School Trip Part 3

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~The bus stopped~

Mr Henderson said : "My dear pupils,  we finally arrived to our destination if your seat partner is sleeping just wake her/him up...we need to enter as soon as possible so you can enjoy yourselves a bit ... I'll give each one of you a map so you won't get lost... The first session will start in 30 minutes so make sure to be at time in the conference room.... If you come late you'll get a penalty so please be punctual!"

Damian : (now I have to wake her up .... I am nervous... I just don't want to disturb her ... she is sleeping peacefully... man she is so cute~)

Suddenly Emile who was sitting in front of Damian turned.... And to his surprise... he found his friend his face all red looking at Anya ... well let's say he was admiring her... Emile didn't believe that so he whispered in disbelief:
"Bossman! What does that moron do next to you !!! Don't tell me she spent the whole time sleeping on your shoulder!!! And your face is all red!!"

Damian panicked... (Man!! It wasn't supposed that someone notices that ... I struggled to hide here but I failed! No one must  never know about my feelings!! I have to find an excuse quickly!...) he replied angrily:  Shut up! don't mistake things... it was her .... While I was having a nap she came and sit next to me....and now that I wake up and find her... I am angry ... that's why my face is all red... (of course I need to lie ... he mustn't figure out!!)

Emile didn't believe him... well is was obvious that Damian was enjoying himself beside her...but he is his Boss man... so he replied: I see... then I am going to wake her up for you ... You Stubby legs wake up!!!! Didn't you hear the teacher???

Damian (why is he shouting... she'll be scared that way!) : Oi we don't wake people that way ! We should not yell! Come on just shake her gently so she gets up ... see?

Anya opened her eyes ... Emile was smirking... but hopefully Damian didn't notice that...

Anya: did we arrive?- she yawned- It was so comfortable laying on you Sy On ! I slept well!!! Now see you later I am going to Becky! -She said smiling-

Damian's face was soooo red !! Man he's going to explode!

Emile: Boss man ! Are you okay?? Your face- he said giggling

Damian : Shut it up!!

~Everyone  left the bus... Now they're heading to the gate of the zoo...~

Becky : So Anya, what happened?

Anya: Huh??

Becky:  I mean with Damian ... wasn't you sitting next to him? (Come on just tell me!!)

Anya: I don't really remember.. perhaps... after all I was sleeping all the time...

Becky(Gasp): WHAT !!


Damian: ( Damn Damn Damn!!! It was a waste of time.... She slept and we couldn't had the opportunity to even chat ! How am I supposed to befriend with her now! It was a lost chance-)

Emile :  what' up Damian Sama?? Is there something or someone that is bothering you?

Damian:  nothing important... really
Ewen: In that case, what about hanging around and exploring the zoo? We still have time before the session begins..
Damian:  I don't mind (I'll end up not enjoying myself if I keep thinking about her ....)

So the boys decided to visit some places while waiting for the class to start...

~About the girls now~

Anya was really amazed...she said in excitement:  Wooh! It doesn't seem like an ordinary zoo this place at all...

Becky :  Yeah.. Do you know that it's a building that contains a museum, a big aquarium, a forest and let's don't forget about the amusement park!!!

Anya: That' awesome !! I thought it would be an ordinary zoo... But that's just amazing...that way we'll have so much fun!

Becky:  That's why everyone got annoyed once Teacher told us about the lessons... Anyway let's don't waste our time... Which place you want to visit first??

Anya : The aquarium looks pretty cool.... I want to see penguins!!!

Becky:  shall we go then!

They walked a few minutes before arriving to a huge building... the walls are transparent and the lights are so beautiful... There are so many kinds of fish, marine turtles, squids... And of course penguins!! Anya's eye were sparkling... "Wow! It's like we are in a penguins paradise!! I love that ♡"

But Becky interrupted her : Anya! Come here and take a look!!

So the pink haired girl followed her friend ...(I just wanted to play with penguins! Why is Becky asking me to follow her... that's annoying..)

But once she found out the reason... she screamed in excitement " Yay!! There's a souvenirs shop"

Becky said smiling:  "let's buy something... I am sure you want to have something as a souvenir... after all this is our first trip together!! It must be memorable~"

She walked and walked ... the shop was full of pretty things... but Anya couldn't choose... "Ahh... so much designs ... what shall I take..." then she suddenly stopped.. her eyes sparkled... " wooh! What a lovely key chain !! It's shaped as a baby penguin!!! So cute! I think it's decided then... I'll have it—"

"Too late... It's mine! I am the one buying it shrimp!!" said a boy smirking..

Anya protested : Not fair! I saw it first Sy On !!

Damian:  And I was the one paying for it ... you're too slow stubby legs... just seek for another design because it was the last one ... -he replied while teasing her-

Anya cried: but—

Shopkeeper:  Don't cry my kid... here's another one...

Anya: A shrimp?

Damian:  Heh! .. it suits you shrimpy (Man she looks cute while crying!!) Oh by the way it's almost time ... Hurry up or you skip it !

Anya just remembered: The special session! I almost forget about it !! Wait for me Damian-she returned the key chain to the shopkeeper saying "thanks ma'am but... it doesn't fit me... sorry" then she hurried behind the boy ...(If I am late.. I will get a tonitrus bolt... papa will be mad!)she thought ..

Damian: Hurry up stubby legs!!- he said while running.. then he turned and-
"But...where's she??"( If she come late she'll be punished!!! Damn, I have no choice but to look for her!!!)

~Where are you Anya?? Are you okay??
Don't worry your charming prince is coming~ heh!
______________________________________________END OF CHAPTER III
Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed reading part 3 😁
Feel free and share you thoughts of what would happened to Anya!
I look forward to read your expectations!
Stay tuned and wait for the upcoming chapter ✨

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