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as someone who hasn't caught up to the new seasons of Miraculous and just writing from the plot of this story, the edit I just saw of Season 5? Blew my mind.


She was on a roof. She could tell this was a dream. The sun was setting in front of her. She looked down to the railing she was holding on to find her hand covered in a glove that looked like a...ladybug? She slowly looked down at herself to find the ladybug costume. 

She had seen this on the news articles, the Ladybug superhero had gone missing on the day she was injured. What did this mean?

"NOOOO!" She turned to see Adrien Agreste screaming out with his father kneeling behind him. She frowned as she looked over to see what he was yelling for. Her eyes went wide as she saw herself falling over the edge in slow motion. 

The view of her dream changed to her actually falling. She watched Adrien's face as she fell, a look that tore her apart. She wanted to reach for him. His look changed to the Chat Noir she had come close to lately. However, it was the same voice that screamed for her.


"Marinette!" Her eyes opened to find Chat Noir leaning over her, shaking her shoulders. She felt the tears on her face as he looked over her in concern. 

"H-how did you get in here?"

"You left your window open. I heard you calling out my name as I was passing. I thought something was wrong so I came in." She winced as a sharp pain hit the back of her head. It was strong enough to make her groan as she leaned forward. She felt his hand on her back as she took deep breaths. 

"Does your head hurt, Mari?" She nodded. She felt the bed move as he got off. Was he leaving? Obviously he was, she wasn't good company right now. He probably saw no evil and was-

A hot washcloth touched her neck as she felt him come back. The hot comfort brought instant relief to her tense neck. She felt him place a hand on her head, cupping her cheek to lift her face. She looked up to see him staring at her as if he was in pain too. She groaned in relief as he used his other hand to rub her neck. 

"It's okay, Mari. I got you." She leaned into his arms. Between the dream and this sudden headache she felt tears fall on her face. A sob came from deep within her. She felt his arms tighten around her. Something about this was so familiar. She felt herself falling back to sleep from the warmth and relief of his hands. 

"Why does this feel so familiar?" She whispered before passing out against his chest. 


Adrien froze at Marinette's last words before she passed out. This felt familiar to her. His arms felt familiar. He pulled back to look at her face. It was pale and clammy from the headache. He gripped on to her tighter as he leaned back against the wall with her in his arms. He had just wanted to check in on her when he heard her calling his name. 

"Claws out." Plagg flew around the two as he watched from a distance. He took in the way Adrien laid his head in the crook of Marinette's neck. He felt Tikki fly up next to him as they watched Adrien cry silently.  

"He won't survive this, Tikki. He's falling apart." Tikki discreetly wiped the tear that fell as she watched Plagg tear up at the sight of Adrien crying. She watched as the sleep Adrien had been running from for days finally caught up to him. Tikki could do nothing but place a hand over her mouth to hide the noise as they both slumped down on to the bed. 

"I don't know what else to do, Plagg. Marinette has expressed she feels something familiar about me but she won't think to much into it. I've been leaving hints everywhere for her to find but nothing is working." She flew away from Plagg to where they both laid, hovering above Adrien and Marinette.

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