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this begins one month after the ending of the last story. 


"As many of you know, graduation is only a few weeks away! This week we will be going over-" The teachers words went through one ear and out the other for Adrien. He stared at the ring on his hand as he twisted it back and forth. It was like a weight holding his hand down these days. He felt movement in his shirt and knew Plagg and Tikki were looking at him. 

He ignored their concerned looks. The charm wrapped around his wrist brought him pain as he twisted the string on the end of it. She had forgotten everything about them except for they were friends. 


It was a sick joke from fate what happened. They were finally together after years of only being a touch away. They had finally been together. They made plans. He felt someone nudge his shoulder. Adrien clenched his fist to prepare himself to turn around. The seating chart was the same as it had been for years. The nudge on his shoulder was from the one thing that kept him going but also the one thing that brought him the most pain.

"Are you okay?" She didn't say it out loud, mouthing the words to him. He stared at her. He took in the way she looked at him in worry. The way her hair flowed freely as she stopped wearing the pigtails. He missed them. Her eyes shinned bright with energy as she was no longer spending nights saving Paris. He smiled the best he could only because she was finally looking him in eyes. 

He nodded to her question but didn't turn back around. She looked back at her paper were she had been sketching a new design of an outfit. Marinette had started back sketching again this past month. He watched her sketch for only a few seconds before someone moving caught his eye. 

Felix motioned for him to turn back around. He watched as Adrien looked to Marinette again before slowly looking forwards. Felix ran his hand through his hair before looking to the person next to him. The new and improved Chloe sat next to him with a frown as she looked between the two lost lovers. 

Only they were the ones who knew who Marinette and Adrien truly were to each other. Felix saw the way Nino was looking at Adrien, the worry covering the other boy's face. They couldn't tell him. If they told him, he would tell Alya who would tell Marinette. She couldn't know. Not yet.

Miss Bustier was talking about an end of the year project. All of the students looked on as she grabbed a jar full of sticky notes with their names on it. A random draw. Adrien would have to ask her if he could exempt from it. He didn't have the energy to work with anyone.

"Alya and Alix." The two girls gave each other a thumbs up before Alya nudged Marinette with a smile. The blue haired girl just shook her head with a smile. She was fine with anyone in the class. Her mind was distracted with the new sketch as she ignored the world around her. 

"Felix and Chloe." The two of them rolled their eyes. Miss Bustier had moved them to sit with each other after Sabrina became more of a friend with another kid in the class than Chloe. She had let Sabrina go after years of bullying. The loss of the real Marinette and what had happened brought her to the "good side" as Alya called it. 

"Nino and Max." Adrien just nodded when Nino whispered he'd still have time to hang out all the time. Without Gabriel's control, Adrien had been free the past seven months. A father who had figured out he had spent years beating up his only son had now gone into hiding in the home they shared. Felix lived with them now as he took over the Agreste fashion business despite being a Graham De Vanily. 

"Marinette and Adrien." He froze. He heard Alya laughing with light whispers picking on Marinette for her "old crush" and how they could work together so perfectly. He closed his eyes to hold back the emotions threatening to tear him down. Fate was really kicking his ass. 

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