🏠10🏠 : Bold Boy

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"A big slumber party with everyone including Home?  That sounds fun!"
I said since Poppy was telling me about Home's idea as she braided my hair.
"Wow Poppy,  you're a master braider!"
"Well I've had a lot of practice thanks to Sally and Julie,  these feathers make it much harder."   I put my sweater *cough Wally's cough* on top of my f/c nightgown (with or without shorts) and picked up the Apple Pie I made earlier.    "Ok,  ready.  Let's go!"
I put my flats and and we were both off,  skipping through the chilly night.

"Hi Home."
"Hello Home."
Poppy and I greeted as Home opened his door for us and waved,  letting us in.
Everyone was already there,  so I set the pie in the kitchen.    "Do you want to warm that up in the oven?"  Lightly damp blue hair tickled my cheek as Wally's chin rested on my shoulder,  he must've just taken a shower.  His hair was down and a little wavy,  almost curling.   "Sure."   I turned the oven on a little and put the pie in.   "Would you like to try a piece before heading over to give slices to everyone?"   He nodded and warped and arm around me while his other held my braid up to inspect my woven hair.
"Wally,  about what happened during the play,  with the kiss scene... "    "I already know what you're getting at.  Yes I meant what I said,  otherwise.. "  he kissed the tail of my braid,  "I wouldn't be this close like this."   I set my hand on his arm,  letting it stay there for a bit.   His red pajamas were nice and soft,  not softer than his sweater but a different kind of soft.  Like different materials.  "How long?"   "Since I caught you from falling off the step ladder at Howdy's."
"What coincidence,  me too.  You seemed so calm and collected that I didn't notice."
I let my free hand play with the tips of his hair while his other hand held onto the counter behind me.  

After a few moments of this beautiful peace I pulled out the pie and started cutting it,  pulling out a slice for Wally.   I watched as the pie slice vanished one bite at a time,  hearing a small hum from Wally when he finished.   "I love your baking."   I gave a quick kiss to his cheek and dished out pie for everyone else.  "Will you please help me with everyone else's slices?"   "Of course."
We each carried two plates at a time,  carrying mine over last.   While I was telling Sally about a new play idea,  I took my eyes off my forkful of pie and looked back to see it gone.   Since Wally had me in his lap I don't doubt he took a bite,  I knew the moment I saw apple filling on his lip.
I grabbed another chunk and held it up to feed it to him,  and he gladly ate it.
After the pie was gone the dishes were cleaned and games were played.
Now everyone was fast asleep,  well, not Wally and I.   I have no idea where he went to,  but I do know I wanna go find him.
I got up and wandered around till I came to his bedroom door,  slowly opening it to find a dark and warm room.   I closed the door and walked further in,  making sure not to trip on anything.    In the blink of an eye I felt myself being pinned to Wally's bed,  with my fingers intertwined with Wally's warm fingers.   "Wally?"   "You have no idea how much I've waited to confess my desire for you,  that kiss was only a sneak peek."
He left lingering kisses on my cheeks,  forehead, jaw, and neck,  coming back to passionately kiss my lips.   I'm not innocent either,  since I kissed back just as much.
"You've brought so much emotion into my life Y/n,  more than I know what to do with.  Sensations I've never felt before.  Will you be my one and only?"   "Yes Wally.  I will."
His forehead rested against mine as he plopped down next to me,   waiting a minute before pulling us both under the covers.   Being in his arms had me falling asleep very quickly.

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