🏠3🏠 : Helper For The Day!

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The moment we set foot in Howdy's Place I was instantly in wonderland.    I giggle in excitement as I browse through all the items in stock.   "Oh Poppy"  I sigh in delight, "I've never seen such a glorious store in my life."
I led her through the isles and pointed out all the amazing ingredients and gadgets.

"Well well well,  if it isn't Poppy herself." 
A man with multiple legs and arms greeted happily.   "Good morning Howdy."   I popped out from behind Poppy and waved.  "Hi!  You must be Mr. Howdy."    "That's me!   You're Y/n I presume.  Been all abuzz today."
We shook hands with some spunk as we talked.    "So Poppy,  are you here for some shopping?"   "Mmhm yes I am."  She turned to me with a smile and patted my head,  "I'll let you chat with Howdy.   You can pick out a few things too and bring them to me when you're done."   I gave her a thumbs up and faced Howdy as Poppy walk off.
"So Mr. Howdy,   I know I'm new and all but I wanted to see if there were people here in the neighborhood who needed help."   He listened intently as I rambled on,   "Poppy and Eddie both said you'd probably need a little help with the store,  so I thought I'd ask if it be ok if I volunteered every now and then."   He chuckled,  "Now that doesn't sound like a bad idea,  you could even help me test my inventions if you want.  Say,  why don't you help out today?   I'll show you what to do and then you'll see if you want to continue helping."    I bounced up and down and clapped my hands with a grin.   "I'd love to!   I'll go pick out a few things and get them to Poppy first."   After I said that I weaved through the store and found what I wanted,  Apples and Cinnamon!   I handed Poppy what I found and followed Howdy behind the cash register,   tying the apron he handed me around my waist.
He taught me how to use the register,  who all frequents the store,  the general areas of food,  and told me to always be respectful to the customers.

Many customers came and went,   passing the day by quickly.   Lunch rush should almost be over now,  so it'll be less busy.
I was taking care of a used up lightbulb while Howdy was talking to two customers.
"And done." I whisper to myself while climbing down the step ladder I was on.
In a split second I got my foot stuck on the chewing gum that landed on the ladder from Howdy's invention,  causing me to slip and fall.

"Uh oh!"

I closed my eyes and waited for the crash and impact.

Huh,  the floor feels more like arms.
"Careful there Neighbor,  are you all right?"
Ooh,  that's quite a soft and sweet voice.
"O-oh,  I think so."  I slowly open my eyes and see a big blue dog holding the ladder,   and the person who caught me.   Oh my,  he's pretty.   "Thank for catching me."   I could feel my cheeks heating up since I couldn't look away from his kind eye.
"It's no problem at all."   I slipped my stuck shoe off my foot and let the person carrying me hand me over to Howdy,  so that he could set me on a stool near by.   I could now get a better look at the man.   Yellow skin,  a swoopy blue pompadour,  rainbow pants,  blue sweater,  white undershirt,  red necktie,  and blue and white shoes.
"How did this get there?"   Howdy's question made me giggle.   "Mr.  Howdy,  that's from that chewing gum mixer you were testing out 2 hours ago.   I did try to avoid it,  guess I was a little clumsy."   Howdy managed to unstick my shoe and handed it to me.   "How about you leave the rest to me for the rest of the day,  you did a splendid job this morning."    "Ok Mr. Howdy.  I wonder if making a lid for your gadget would help prevent gum splattering everywhere."
"Huh,  that's brilliant!"

And just like that he went to his machine and did exactly that.

I smiled at the two strangers still standing there,  "Looks like he does this all the time."
They both confirmed with amused eyes.
"Where are my manner,  I forgot to introduce myself.   My name is Y/n L/n.  I just moved in with Poppy last night."
"Hi Y/n,  I'm Barnaby B. Beagle and this here is Wally."    "Oh,  Poppy speaks so highly of the tea partys you two have.   What can I get for you two?   Howdy said you usually get hot dogs."   I hopped off the stool and slipped my shoe back on,  heading behind the register.   Barnaby's tail wags at the sound of hot dogs,  "Oh yes please!"
"Alrighty,  one moment please."
I prepared them just the way Howdy told me to,   I even cut up my apple snack and split it for three people.    After I plated their food,  and a hot dog of my own after paying, I took off my apron and gave them their food.  "Enjoy you two."
"Ooo Wally we get apple slices too!"
"Thank you Y/n."
"You're welcome Wally."

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