Another Big Kitty

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The Anvari surface was wild, literally. The mushroom jungles, the constant lightning storms, and more often then not, the rain. Oh, and did I mention the beast attacks, they were the best part. Honestly, I don't know why the rest of the defence team were having such a terrible time. I mean sure, there was the lack of sleep, the heat, poor visibility from not just the yellow fog that covered the planets surface but also from the suits that they had to wear. 

The suits were a whole other problem in themselves. They very rarely got the chance to take them off and when they did, my gods, the smell was more likely to put you out of commission then the beasts. I quickly got rid of mine when it was confirmed that I didn't need it, plus, yellow and brown really weren't my colour. 

Life on the surface was much like camp border patrol on steroids. Instead of just looking out for monster and picking off a rogue hellhound on the odd occasion, we would take shifts enduring the almost constant beast attacks. These creatures weren't very organised but they were large, with thick hides and fur that were a pain to deal with. The thing I found odd about them though was that they didn't seem to have any intelligence what so ever, almost as if their heads were filled with the same fog that covered the ground.

Most of the creatures were four legged, and each of those limbs were long. Most being at least double or triple my height. The bodies were similar as well and I had started working a classing system to better identify and fight these things. Long and skinny, short and round, nothing too extreme. The long skinny ones were faster, and more often then not had tails with a hard round tip that they used as whips or a flail. While the short round ones were slower, and they had hard heads with long tusks that they used to beat against our barricades or attempt to skewer people with. Slashing attacks weren't that effective against either type, and they were quite resistant to elemental magic. 

There were of course special types, these were the ones that didn't fit into my long skinny or short round classes. No two were exactly the same, and they were always much much bigger then the rest. It was always all hands on deck when one of those showed up. 

Thanks to the increase in power and experience in the defence group we had lost significantly less members then the first group and in around the month or so since we had arrived we had managed to carve out an actual defendable base where the engineers and construction crew could actually get some work done. Their power station was coming along slowly. 

My group was currently on break as it was our day off. The group was made up of 5 people, Fiora, Tyran, myself and two others. One was a guy we called Zip and the other was a lady named Alita. They were both quite handy to have around, Zip used a form of mace with a shield when he fought and Alita was a ranged fighter, opting to use a longbow. They were also a lot of fun. Alita was a sub species of Numah with her having dark grey skin, almost white hair and eyes that had evolved to see much better, both with distance and in the dark, her other senses were also incredibly sharp. Zip on the other hand was small, not dwarf sized small but just on the smaller side. He was just a regular guy from Anvari and he said the only reason he wasn't part of the first team sent to the surface was the fact that he didn't arrive in time.

Alita and Fiora got on really well with each other, even though Alita was on the quieter side. Tyran was still his normal untalkative self and to be honest I wasn't that social either. I guess the thought of making friends again was still quite a touchy thing for me. Zip on the other hand was a social butterfly, he was so full of life, of excitement and of optimism. He reminded me of a certain Latin boy who had a tendency to play with fire by the way he cracked jokes and tried to make people laugh. With scruffy hair that was teetering on the edge of ginger and fair coloured skin from living his whole life underground. He was also around my age and I was quite surprised with how well he fought for being so young. Zip said it was because he practised relentlessly, always wanting to be an adventurer. He was a little sloppy when it came to a proper fight but there was definitely a lot of potential. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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