2. The Sidelines

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I was always standing by the side. I am not the main character in a story. I am the bearer, the person who holds themself true and follow the girl with the sun obeying to her will. I stand by the sidelines, watching you kiss and have your epic moment. 

Not anymore.


Amber's fingers gripped the golden pendant tightly. Her heart was beating fast. She saw nothing but Avery, the one person she despised all her life and to her death. She saw Avery weaponless, clinging to the cliff, inches away from death. She looked Avery dead in the eye.

At that moment, Amber was sure Avery knew what she was thinking.

"Please Am, don't do this. I just–,"

"Call me Amberlina Vashikula, Avery." She answered stiffly.

"You don't want to do this," Avery started to shake. She saw her left hand losing grip and just sat on the rocks, looking at her now-nemesis.

"If I didn't want to do this, won't I be saving you now? Won't I cry and wail if I couldn't let you hold on to me?" She threw her obsidian blade in the air and caught it by the hilt, staring dead into Avery's crystal-blue eyes.

"Please Amber–"

"Nah-uh Avery."


But she never finished. Avery lost grip on the other hand and fell one thousand meters from the sky, straight to death.

Amber stood up, no remorse nor guilt crossed in her. She leaned down to see Avery's body, her face smacked down onto sharp jagged rocks that had impaled half of her face. Blood ran down like a river, and Amber could already hear the cry of the wolves, sensing prey.

She turned to leave.

It was time to deal with Mara.


I know...it's very short. Not on purpose, I promise bit I just ended up "telling" all the way instead of "showing". Like just telling you what happened. But I kind of like this one. What are your thoughts?

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Ps: If you are interested, the next story is called  Bloodied Swords

bye lovelies! 

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