Ink on wood: Novels✒️📖

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A shelf full of stories beckons me close
Whispers enticingly, calls me by name,
Ink on wood, tales waiting to unfold,
Embracing my soul, bringing comfort.

Pages caress my fingertips, soft as a breeze,
Their words dance in my mind, a captivating tease,
A refuge from chaos, to find solace and release,
Ink on wood, serenity surges, offering peace.

With every word devoured, the world starts to fade,
And a sanctuary of dreams begins to pervade,
Characters come alive, their voices taking shape,
Ink on wood, a symphony that my heart can't escape.

In this realm of enchantment, laughter finds its way,
A smile unfurls upon my lips, holding sway,
Through the woven tales, my spirit does soar,
Ink on wood, a painting of joy forevermore.

Though it's mere ink on wood, its impact profound,
A power unyielding, as the stories resound,
With each word absorbed, a connection we feel,
Ink on wood, an embrace that's incredibly real.

For in these moments, a magic unfurls,
A world within a world, where my heart unfurls,
And as I turn the page, feeling bittersweet,
Ink on wood, a treasure that cannot be beat.

So I'll continue to read, finding solace and glee,
In the ink on wood, where my spirit is free,
For even when I close the book, its imprint remains,
Ink on wood, forever etched within my veins.

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