10. September 28

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Percy and Annabeth, 

Wow! I cannot believe that its been a month since school started! Your kids are doing better than ever in school, and learn at an amazing rate. 

Silena acts as though she's been doing this her whole life, and the progress she's made is incredible (not that she was at a bad place to begin with). I think with her brainpower and maturity, she will go very far in life (she could even skip a grade, if you want that for her). 

Luke is also very smart, but his expertise seem to be geared more towards social intelligence. He gets along amazingly with every single kid in the class (something very rare among preschoolers) and has even broken up a few fights between students. 

Both Silena and Luke are developing very well. I can't wait to see what else they can do this school year!


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