Pier pressure

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Me and Jaden have been dating for 4 years now and we have never had sex. I've always wanted to wait until marriage but it feels like everyone around me is getting laid and I'm just sitting waiting for the day Jaden gets sick of waiting and goes to somebody else. He said he supports me and that he's gonna wait for me but I just have a feeling that he might leave.

"Jaden baby? Can you um. Can we-"

"What mamas? Go for a walk?"

"No um can we have sex?"

He looks at me with a confused look. He shakes his head.

"No. Baby what happened to waiting for marriage? I can't take that wish away from you."

"I don't care about that anymore."

"Bullshit. You've wanted to wait til marriage since like 6th grade when you were dating that dick what's his name? Colin? Once you guys broke up we became friends and you told me you wanted to wait til marriage and I thought you were so cool. You weren't just some whore that was going around sucking everyone's dick. You waited. And everyone knew you wanted to wait. So they respected it and never sexualized you or sent nudes to you. Because people respected you. And I don't know where this switch up is coming from but I don't like it. I want to wait for you. Your body is beautiful and I want to wait for it. You understand?"

"But I can't wait. I feel like everyone around me just thinks I'm some prude and that I am just leading you on. Which I'm not. Everyone that I know has had sex and I just want to know what it feels like."

"You'll know what it feels like when we get home from our wedding and I can be the first person to make you feel good. And we can make love for hours. And come on we're only 17. Let's wait a little while ok? How about we get married at 22. Have kids around 26 and and be together forever. How's that sound?"

"Ok. I just- I mean second base isn't really sex right?"

"I don't wanna do that until your ready. Let's just wait until we are done with high school and college and then we can talk ok? I'm never gonna leave you baby. I promise. You're the only one for me. Have been since the day I met you. I love you so much y/n. I'll never stop."

I tear up and nod. "I love you so much too jae. I wanna be with you forever and ever."

"You will. I promise baby."

And then he kissed me. We start making out and then we pull away.

"Let's go to sleep mamas."

"But my mom doesn't like it when yo-"

"You need me right now. I don't care what your mom likes or dislikes. You're my girlfriend of 4 years y/n. I think I can stay over."

"Ok. Goodnight jae."

"Goodnight mamas"


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