Chapter 5

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Whoever came across him got out of his way. He wanted to rip someone apart and knew exactly who to start with. Ten. Soi-Ji tasked him with a mission that he claimed was completed—a simple one, ensuring those traitors were dead. Either he lied or was shit at his job. Whichever it was, one or the other, he had to answer for it.

Ten's treatment should be completed by now. It was only a minor head wound. Maybe a short trip to Midnight will do the soldier well. Soi would even honor him and administer the punishment himself. The youngling had potential, but his loyalty was something up for debate. Why didn't Ten alert him of the coup when he found out?

There were too many secrets between them, then Ten and Rize were too close as of late. He thought the meetings were an excellent way to help both of them. For them to support each other, but how they spoke to each other in Tamer's room was too intimate—it went beyond a support system. Rize said he was special to her. How special? Why?

He approached King's Guard barracks, and the doors slid open. It was a mess. Even some of his best soldiers were injured during the small fight. Those monsters did a number on them. Some were wounded in the bombings. The reports kept flooding in. His device hadn't stopped beeping yet. Each time it did, another one of his people was sent for medical attention.

Soi-Ji searched the rooms looking for his target. He walked past a door and caught Ten placing his uniform on. Soi went inside, closing the door behind him. Ten spun around wide-eyed, then relaxed.

"Your Highness, I was just about to come and find you," Ten smiled.

"How are you," Soi-Ji asked.

"The doctor suggested I have a second round, but I declined. I feel fine and ready to return to work," Ten said.

"Are you sure," Soi asked.

Ten's brows furrowed with a smile.

"Yes, I promise. I'll go and wait for the Queen to finish her treatment," Ten said, leaving.

Soi-Ji's hand slammed the door back closed.


Confused, Ten took a seat on the bed.

"As you must imagine, I have some questions about your last assignments," Soi said.

Ten's expression went blank.

"I did exactly as you asked," he said.

"Remind me," Soi said.

"Bring my mate and younglings back to me. I don't care how," Ten said.

"You forgot the second directive, soldier—an important one. So, tell me why I have those three traitors walking around in the land of the living," Soi said.

"Arenk and Laro were shot down. I saw it myself. Dhol had his throat slit and was struggling to cling to life. Rize, b—"

"Queen Rize-Ji. You're getting too familiar with my mate," Soi said.

Ten went silent but didn't break eye contact.

"Continue," Soi said.

"Queen Rize-Ji begged me to leave him when I attempted to finish him off as well. She promised to come quietly if I did. I knew you wanted the mission completed as soon as possible, and the odds of him surviving were slim. So, I indulged her."

"Didn't I tell you to be careful around her," Soi asked.

"Yes, I failed. I'm sorry."

Ten stood up and released a small shaky breath. He removed the pin from his jacket and set it on the bed. He dropped to his knees and looked up at Soi-Ji.

"I will accept any punishment you deem fit," Ten said.

This was unexpected. Most would rally excuses and place blame on others. Beg for their life and avoid punishment.

"I'm considering sending you to Midnight for a while," Soi-Ji said.

"All I ask is for a chance to prove my worth to you again if I'm released," Ten said.

"If that was the only problem, maybe, but I want to know why you didn't tell me immediately about the coup. Why do you think you can yell and dictate your desires to my mate?"

"It was imperative that it remained between us. We didn't know who else was in on it. I speak to the Queen as I do because it's the basis of our program and recovery," Ten said.

"She didn't say she fights for everyone in the program. She said for those she held dear. Those who love her—including you," Soi said.

"What are you asking me, Sir," Ten said.

"Do I need to kill you," Soi said.

"Only if you see it fit," Ten said.

"That depends. Have you fucked my mate," Soi said.

The shocked expression and swirling scent gave Soi-Ji his answer.

"No, I swear on my honor," Ten said.

Soi-Ji believed him, but Ten didn't need to know that.

"Why should I believe you?"

"I'm in love with someone else," Ten said.

It was in Ten's file that he tried to run off with a female. It was surprising that his affection hadn't wavered. In that cycle, it went in whatever direction the wind flowed. Soi picked up the pin and held it in Ten's view.

"I'm feeling merciful. I'll hold on to this until I feel like you've earned it again. You'll receive a new posting," Soi-Ji said.

"Yes, Sir," Ten said.

"Rize won't be attending meetings anymore. So, don't ask her," Soi said, leaving.

"May I speak freely, Sir," Ten asked.

"Do you really want to press your luck, Ten?"

"I only want to speak what's on my heart," Ten said.

"Let's hear it," Soi said.

"She needs the meetings. What she said was troubling. If she goes without the meetings, I fear her relapse will bring the darkness to the surface," he said, touching his side.

Ten looked as if he was reliving a nightmare.

"I've seen it. Been on the receiving end, and it terrifies me more than going to Midnight," Ten whispered.

Soi-Ji lowered himself to Ten's eye level.

"So have I, youngling. It doesn't terrify me one bit," Soi-Ji said.

"Even with her new abilities? She ripped the limbs off those humans without effort—smiling. She was able to fight with strength almost equal to us. Who's to say she won't get stronger," Ten said.

"I mated her for a reason. I long for the day when her true nature is front and center."

"At the cost of your crown," Ten asked.

Soi-Ji grabbed Ten by the throat.

"Why would I lose my crown?"

Ten averted his gaze, and Soi-Ji pinned him to the ground and started to squeeze.

"I misspoke. Forgive me," Ten wheezed.

No. It wasn't a slip of the tongue. Most would immediately apologize. Ten was gauging his response. Something else was at play.

"You better tell me the truth now, or I will drag Seventeen here to Midnight and peel the skin from her body while you watch."

Ten's eyes went wide. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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