Chapter 2

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The medical level was full, but they pushed her to the front. The room the assistant took her to was bloody— black streaks and dirty tools. The doctor quickly disinfected the table. A few soldiers were slouched up against the wall. Her head got light as flashes of Earth's war played in her mind.

"Forgive us, your highness. It's been hectic, but we have clean items for you and even cleared a tank," the doctor said.

He was covered in blood, and god knows what. Why was she being seen so quickly for something trivial? Just like on Earth—elites came first.

"Just take the bullet out and sew me up. Give the tank to someone who needs it," Raven said.

"It's the protocol for the royal family to receive treatment. Anything else will be treason. Please accept the treatment," he said.

"I won't have others suffer or die over a bullet wound. Do as I say. I'll speak with the king," Raven said.

"No, give her the treatment. Order of the King. Her heart is in the right place, but she's pregnant with an heir. She takes priority over everyone, even the King," Zolix said.

The doctor went to work, and Raven glared at Zolix. Even now, the power imbalance shows through. Not just against the citizens but her as well.

"I gave an order. You can't override me," Raven said.

"And yet, I did," Zolix said nonchalantly.

"There are other people in need. This wound isn't a priority. People are dying," Raven said.

"How many have you killed today alone? What's a few more to a person like you," Zolix said.

"More than I am willing to bear," Raven said.

"You don't fool me. Save your facade for the King," Zolix said under his breath.

"I've never pretended to be anyone, but I want to lead better than I act," Raven said.

Zolix leaned in, "I only follow the King. I don't know how royalty goes on Earth, but here, the King is supreme. Queens are decorations. If I had it my way, you would be nothing but Soi-Ji's plaything—a whore in the harem. It's by the grace of him that you even have a voice. So, you'll be wise and not make an enemy of him or me."

The heat in her body rose to the top. Raven grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer. The fabric stretched and tore a bit. She made sure not to pull too hard.

"I don't know what Queens you had in the past, but I'm no decoration. If you want to see the new year, then you'll be wise and not make an enemy of me."

"I know all about you and your time here. You're impressive, but I am not afraid of you," Zolix chuckled.

He pried her hand off of his shirt and brushed it off. Did he know about Captain Oito—General Fleu? What does he know? His scent was non-existent. Zolix was older, from what she could tell—grey hair and his eyes were a dull lilac color. Raven took a breath and braced her hands on the wet table.

"Ma'am, I'll remove the bullet now, then Royal Advisor Zolix will escort you to the tank. It'll take care of any other injuries as well as help the youngling," the doctor said.

"The baby is fine," she said.

Well, as fine as one could be when injected with a mystery drug. Even so, nothing felt wrong, and a full assessment could wait. She wasn't in distress—no bleeding or pain. She was just uncomfortable—hot, cold, and angry.

Raven focused on her breathing and not lashing out. She couldn't forget about her promise to Ten. Or what she has to do next.

"May I begin," the doctor said, looking at her.

"Why are you asking me? Does my opinion matter now?"

The doctor sighed and looked over at Zolix, who nodded.

The doctor dug around until he found the bullet. Raven forgot how painful it was as she clenched the table. The metal casting dropped into the bowl.

"All done," the doctor proclaimed.

Tori could've done it with less pain.

"Royal Advisor," the doctor said.

Zolix grabbed her bad arm, and she shrank away from it. He pulled her from the table and led her out of the room and down the hall.

"I called ahead of time. It's set for you. You know what to do," Zolix said, closing the door.

Even in this room, there were soldiers lined up against the wall waiting for the chance to be treated. Raven went around examining the wounded. She stopped in front of a soldier who had a puddle of blood under him. Raven felt a pulse; it was faint.

"Hurry up and get in so someone else can," he mumbled.

"It'll still be going. You won't make it," Raven said.

"More reason to hurry," he whispered.

Raven lifted his arm and threw it over her shoulder. He was heavy. Even with her new strength, it was tough dragging him. Could be from her own blood loss and exhaustion. Her body felt heavier as well. They made it to the tank, but she was barely standing.

"If you want to live, then fight. I can't hold on for long," Raven said.

Her vision was going dark. She was blacking out again. This wasn't going to end well for her. The soldier looked at her and then grabbed the edge of the tank. Together they managed to get him inside.

"Name," Raven said breathlessly.

"Te'ki," he said.

His eyes fluttered close, and Raven worked quickly to get the tank set up. Once the latch locked and the tank started to fill, she slid to the floor.

"Why," a soldier said.

"We're expendable. We live and die to serve. You just made him commit treason. He'll be healed just to be executed."

"He won't. I'll make sure of it. All of your lives are important to me," Raven said.

A curtain of black dropped over her view.

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