Chapter 4

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But Catrine's dream of finding out what happened to the blue scarf girl was interrupted by the correctional officer, who escorted her to the designated visiting area. As she arrived, she was surprised to see Tom waiting for her. Tom, noticing her teary and sleep-deprived eyes, asked with concern, "Why do your eyes look so red? Have you been unable to sleep or have you been crying?" Annoyed, she replied sarcastically, "It's none of your business, so please refrain from meddling in matters that do not concern you." Tom then explained, "If I wanted to interrogate you, I could have summoned you to the 1PP building. But I'm here because you appointed me as your lawyer to defend you." Resentfully, she retorted, "I never asked for your help or charged you with anything." He replied, saying, "But it's my heart and love for you that have driven me to be by your side. I won't let you slip away from me again." With a whispered laugh, she reminded him, "Didn't Eric advise you against expressing such affectionate words to me in public?"

And he said to her, and the feeling of relief was apparent in his emotions and the tone of his voice: "And I was the one who thought that you would not forgive me." Then he continued, saying: "You know, Catrine, I'm deeply sorry. I apologize because I believed that the recent difficulties you faced would change you. But seeing that smile of yours, I knew that you would never change. You would always remain as Catrine, who understands my behavior and remembers the good moments we shared."

And then Catrine said, "Tom, the character you are referring to is like a blank canvas, where every person who has impacted her life has left a mark. Some have adorned the canvas, while others have distorted it. When that person is no longer with us, their mark disappears, but their influence remains. On this canvas, I only have your mark and my aunt's mark. Please do not let your actions turn your mark into a negative one, distorting the canvas."

Then, Tom said to her, "Just promise me that you won't vanish again, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that because you have already witnessed the difference you've made in my life." Then Catrine said to him, "I did not create the difference, you did. I was merely the one who guided you." And after that, she continued speaking, astonishment evident in her voice, "But what brings you here?"

Then she laughed, "Attorney Tom." He replied to her, saying, "I came here to share two pieces of good news and one sad news." She said to him, "Tell me the good news first."

Tom said, "You know, we went to Clara's house and found poison in her possession." But Catrine interrupted him, saying, "The presence of poison doesn't mean much unless you can prove that she bought it." Tom replied to her, saying, "The presence of poison is just the beginning of finding out who bought it."

Catrine said to him, "Indeed, you are right with your statement. And what is the second news?" He replied, laughing, "Imagine that Eric, who is usually quite serious, started joking around at work." "He must have picked up this sense of humor from working with you," Catrine said, her laughter growing.

After a brief moment of silence, Tom asked her, saying, "What's on your mind?" She replied in a worried voice, saying, "The sad news that you're about to share is occupying my mind. I'm not sure if I can handle it like I did with other bad news or if this news will be the gut punch."

Tom said to her, "Do you remember when you compared your character to a canvas and how there were no marks left on it except for mine and your aunt's?" Catrine quickly answered, saying, "Yes, I remember." Then Tom continued, saying, "I need to tell you that your aunt's mark has also faded away."

Out of the blue, Catrine was overcome with a profound sense of sorrow. It felt as if the sadness had tightly clenched her heart, causing her eyes to well up with tears. Although Catrine couldn't pinpoint the exact reason for her grief surrounding Clara's passing, it emanated from the depths of her being and she asked Tom saying: "How did she die?" He replied to her saying: "She died in the same way Lili did with the same poison." Catrine said once she calmed down: "It's fate's way of getting revenge on her."

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