Chapter 2

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As they walked through the forest, they stumbled upon a lake. Suddenly, Olivia was struck with a throbbing headache. Concerned, Sara asked, "Did you remember the accident?" Olivia brusquely replied, "Yes, maybe."

Sara stopped walking and said to her nonchalantly, "You know, I actually know where Catrine is." Very tired, Olivia responded, "Where? Please, do tell!" With a malicious grin, Sara replied, "She’s right in front of me." And with a pointed finger, she directed Olivia’s attention to herself.

Afterward, Olivia collapsed to the ground, and Sara seized her, attempting to drown her in the lake. Despite resisting, Olivia ultimately lost consciousness.

In this moment, I acknowledge that there are numerous questions that warrant a pause for reflection. The questions that arise include: Why did Sara engage in such actions? Did Sara have a genuine desire to solve the case and become the investigator who was able to solve the case that occupied the media and the means of communication, as Tom had spoken of her? Is it a possibility that Olivia is still asleep while on the train and haven't woken yet?

Afterwards, Olivia woke up and found herself breathing rapidly. Upon realizing that she was still alive, she whispered to herself with immense relief, "Thank God, I am not killed." Detective Tom and several investigators were present in the forest.

Olivia noticed that there were chairs in the forest, along with a mysterious woman who Olivia thought was a doctor because of the white coat she was wearing. She also spotted Clara among the individuals gathered around her. Detective Tom approached her and firmly grasped her by the arms, guiding her to a nearby chair. He then instructed her to sit down.

Olivia was struck with bewilderment. She couldn’t comprehend what transpired or Tom’s motivations for treating her in such a way. Despite being nearly drowned by Sara, Olivia managed to maintain a calm façade throughout Tom’s actions.

Tom's tone was sharp and angry as he confronted Olivia. "Why did you kill her?"

Olivia was taken aback by his accusation. "Are you sane or did you just take drugs? Killed who?!" she asked in astonishment.

But her shock quickly turned to devastation when she remembered what happened and she screamed, "Do you mean Sara? Sara is the one who tried to kill me!"

Olivia's words came tumbling out rapidly, her tone sharp as she recounted what had happened. She explained that Sara had instructed her to walk through the forest and then had drowned her when she became tired because of the water that she drank.

Tom interrupted her abruptly, "What nonsense are you saying? Stop, stop. Who is Sara in the first place? Did she help you commit the crime or something?"

Olivia felt uneasy and scared but tried to remain composed as she replied, "Stop joking and don't scare me with that talk. I will accompany you in speaking until the end. Her name is Sara Benjamin Wyatt, and she's our colleague in the police department who helped us in our investigation."

He began speaking sarcastically, "Ah yes, Sara Benjamin, your colleague in the investigation. You left the media, became a murderer, and then left killing to work as an investigator. You must be a very hardworking girl." Then, he switched to an angry tone and demanded, "Stop this! Stop lying, Catrine! There isn't anyone with this name."

Then Olivia's terror of Tom's words and what would happen in the future increased more and more. She could not control herself, then she let out a scream and exclaimed,
"Yes, I comprehend now. I see the game you're playing with me, you, Sara, and the chief of police. You're attempting to manipulate my thoughts, and once I'm convinced of what you're saying, you'll turn around and claim I'm insane, and then charge me with killing Lili because of my alleged insanity."

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