06. A b d u c t

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It's been half an hour since I started driving. We haven't dared to say a word to each other or even look in each others direction.

Honestly, I've been trying to ignore the fact that he's sitting in my car but it has been impossible to do so as all I can think about is the fact that he's in my car.

Funny how things work, right? No. No it's not.

I want nothing to do with the man sitting next to me.

It's infuriating how all I can smell is his stupid cologne. All I can sense is his stupid body. All I can think about is his stupid proximity. And all I want to do is throw his stupid body, out of my car.

Do you see the ongoing pattern here?

The peace and quiet has lasted marvellously longer than I expected. - well, that is until he leans forward to turn my radio on.

I smack his outstretched hand away from my console.

Grabbing his wrist, I push it back onto his chest. "Do not touch things in my car. If you want something, ask."

He does nothing but roll his eyes. "So fucking bossy." He grumbles under his breath.

My eyes narrow the slightest as I inhale, keeping my attitude at a minimum.

"If you think thats bossy, then you, my dearest asshole of a fiancé, are in for one hell of a ride." I grumble, glaring at him through the corner of my eye.

He tilts his head in a mocking way, as if almost amused.

Ignoring my warning, he leans forward yet again and turns the radio on.

"Theodor, what did I just say? Don't touch my fucking radio. Are you deaf?" I groan in annoyance.

"Relax princess. I'm just putting something on so I don't have to listen to your obnoxious breathing." He taunts, playing around with the stations.

What the fuck did he just say?

"Don't fucking call me that." I snap, turning my head and glaring daggers at him.

"Shut up." He glares back.

"Fuck off." I give him my middle finger.

The song "Getaway Car" by Taylor Swift started playing.

( i was going to edit the song choice but then I remembered the comments on it so I'm keeping it. - sofia )

By the amount of time I've spent trapped in this car today, I can feel my curiosity taking over me before the words slip out of my mouth.

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