05. I m p a t i e n t

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"I have quite a few cars we can choose from but I recommend going for a sports car so it will be faster." Eleanors voice rings throughout the large garage.

She walks around and turns a light switch on, letting us see her selection of cars.

I only expected her to have maybe one or two cars maximum.

That was until I saw how many she has. – not including her motorbikes.

"Oh my god, look at all these cars." Remi grabs Eleanors hands and jumps up and down excitedly.

She lets out a small chuckle at my sisters behaviour. "What can I say, I love my cars." She shrugs with a somewhat small smirk on here face.

"But I love my motorbikes even more."

The next thing I know, another light is turned on, showcasing rows and rows of motorcycles.

And holy shit.

I've never seen so many bloody motorcyles in my life.

What would she possibly even need them all for?

"No bloody way." Remi squeals, turning to Eleanor with a huge smile before running towards the bikes.

She lifts her head up from the motorbikes and looks straight at the person standing beside me. "Noah, come look at all these motorbikes."

Smiling at her, he jogs over to where shes standing and looks over her shoulder.

My eyes turn to Eleanor for a split second, ignoring how she stands there with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

But one thing does catch my eyes.

On her neck – theres something on her neck.

What is it?

On her neck, there is small, purple and red marks lingering all over.

I can't see them well enough from our distance, but I can take a wild guess as to what it is.


I know for a fact she didn't get them on her mission the other day considering how no-one had touched her neck.

So, where did she get them from?

My thoughts are cut of by a sudden gasp coming from Noah. "Oh my god, you kept my bike?"

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