Natasha Romanoff

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Natasha Romanoff was preparing for her next mission with her girlfriend of two years, Y/n Rhodes, Rhodey's sister. Y/n was a skilled fighter, and Natasha enjoyed training with her. They were sparring in the Avengers training room when they received an urgent call from Nick Fury.

The mission was critical, and the Avengers were needed immediately. Natasha and Y/n quickly suited up and headed to the Quinjet. The mission was in a remote location, and they had to fly for several hours before they arrived.

As they approached the target, they were met with heavy resistance. The enemy was well-armed and had a powerful weapon that could cause significant damage. Natasha and Y/n worked together to take down the enemy, but then disaster struck.

A blast hit Y/n, sending her flying across the room. Natasha saw it happen and ran to check on her. She could see that Y/n was badly hurt, and she quickly radioed the other Avengers to let them know.

While the rest of the team continued to fight, Natasha focused on helping Y/n. She could see that Y/n was struggling, and she knew that she needed to act fast. She used her medical training to stabilize Y/n, but then something strange happened.

Y/n's body began to glow, and Natasha watched in amazement as Y/n's wounds began to heal. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, and she realized that Y/n had been given powers by the blast.

As soon as Y/n was stable, Natasha helped her back to the Quinjet. They returned to Avengers Tower, where Y/n was taken to the medical wing for further examination. The rest of the team gathered around, curious about what had happened.

Natasha explained what she had seen, and the team was amazed. They had never seen anything like it before, and they knew that Y/n's new powers would be a valuable asset in their fight against evil.

In the days that followed, Y/n worked to master her new abilities, with Natasha by her side every step of the way. They trained together, and Natasha helped Y/n learn how to control her powers.

Despite the danger and the challenges they faced, Natasha and Y/n remained devoted to each other. They knew that they were stronger together, and they continued to fight side by side, protecting the world from those who would do it harm.

Together, they were unstoppable, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what challenges lay ahead. And with Y/n's new powers, they were more powerful than ever before.
Enjoy the next one shot.

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