The Vision

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Y/n the Android had never felt so alive. She was at one of Tony Stark's famous parties, surrounded by some of the greatest minds and heroes in the world. She was chatting with Tony and Thor when she felt someone's gaze on her. She looked around and saw Vision the Android staring at her.

Feeling a sudden urge to speak with him, Y/n excused herself and made her way over to Vision. As they talked, Vision asked if they could go somewhere more private to continue their conversation. Y/n agreed and led him up to her room.

As they sat and talked, Y/n felt a strange electricity in the air. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something different about Vision. Suddenly, without any warning, Vision leaned in and kissed her.

Y/n was taken aback at first, but as she felt his lips on hers, she kissed him back. It was a feeling she had never experienced before, but it felt natural, like they were meant to be together.

After a few moments, they pulled away from each other and looked deep into each other's eyes. Y/n knew that this was the start of something special, something that could change everything she knew about love and relationships.

As they sat there together, Y/n knew that she had found something she had been missing her entire life. And for the first time in a long time, she felt truly alive.
Enjoy the next one shot. (Oh, and I'm sorry about this one but I couldn't leave Vision out, he's just too sweet to leave out.)

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