Chapter ✩~1

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Luffy and the crew made one more stop before heading to the Grand Line over the Red Line. The stop was at the nearest island to the Reverse Mountain, the island named hazard haze, heavily rumored for the misty areas of it where no one has come back alive to tell a tale. The whirlpools around the island and the mystery of the other half of the island that was covered by the thick fog was what got the best of Luffy's everlasting curiosity and interest, thirsting for adventure. So the crew had to do another stop on another island before getting over the Reverse Mountain to start their adventure in the Grand Line. The captain's whiny demands couldn't be ignored even with Nami's and Usopp's protests that went unheard.

They docked at the south side of the island on the clear side where there was a small hillside town with old-looking stone houses. There were a few boats and a couple of bigger fishing boats tied to the half-rotten docks. There were no people seen on the docks, on the beach near, or in the streets of the little town. Everyone except Luffy could tell that something wasn't right with the atmosphere and they clearly weren't welcomed there.

But once Luffy's feet touched the ground he giddily skipped to the town with the rest of the crew following. Usopp found a shield behind Zoro who cautiously looked around, his fingers already creeping at the handles of his swords, readying himself for any sudden dangers.

"Luffy, are you sure you don't want to continue our way already?" Nami asked, finding herself a bit fearful of the town because of its ominous aura despite how beautiful a sunny day it was. "Here is nothing interesting, see?" She tried to convince her captain, signaling the quiet surroundings with her arms.

"There is in the fog," Luffy pointed out excitedly to the fog that started from the outskirts of the town and covered the whole other side of the island behind the high cliffs from the town. "I wanna go there!"

"Noo, why do we need to always go to scary places like that?!" Usopp wailed from behind Zoro. Nami nodded alongside Usopp, agreeing.

"Don't worry Nami-swan, I will protect you!" Sanji mused to Nami, appearing next to her with heart eyes. Nami just sighed and accepted her loss, following the captain further down the street, coming to their first set of stairs that they started to climb upwards to get deeper into the town.

"I feel like someone is watching us," Zoro pointed out, feeling eyes on the back of his head. Usopp freaked out more behind him, getting more paranoid while Nami shook a bit, looking restlessly around.

"Hmm, I don't feel anything," their carefree captain shrugged, glancing at his crew.

"Of course, you don't!" Usopp and Nami yelled at the same time with shark teeth seen and then went back to cowardy.

While they all were unmoving looking around in the intersection they had gotten they started to hear footsteps nearing from a dark alley. To this point, they had started to believe that the town was a ghost town, but seemingly there lived even someone. From the shadows elicited a decrepit old man, walking towards them supported by a wooden stick. He stopped in front of them and looked at them judgingly under his tired eyelids.

"You want to go to the fog?" The old man asked, voice raspy. His eyes shifted between Sanji and Zoro before they settled on Luffy, seeing him open his mouth first.

"Yes, do you know the shortest way there?" Luffy eagerly asked, with a loud and beaming voice. The old man scoffed at the question, seizing them up again before looking to the docks and seeing their ship, examining the jolly roger in the mast especially.

"Pirates, of course," the old man muttered under his breath, Zoro only hearing him because standing closest to the man and quipping a brow at the old man. "From the east outskirts of the town you can get there through a pathway to the fog...," the old man told, seemingly about to say something else as well, but deciding against it.

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