Chapter Four: Impulsive Choices

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     To your surprise, you got enough sleep to wake up feeling refreshed. As you took your time showering and getting ready, you still found yourself distracted by Jonny. It took until you finished breakfast to finally clear your head and prepare yourself for the day that followed. While eating, Michael came up to inform you that the interviewers from yesterday were looking for photos of the band performing. You were already scheduled to take care of these pictures, so Michael gave them your contact information in hopes they would purchase your photos. You gave him an enthusiastic thank-you and he returned with an encouraging smile before leaving.
The tour isn't set to go anywhere for the next hour, so you decide to kill some time by going on a walk. As you make your way through the lobby, you spot Phil who waves a nice hello towards your direction. You return the gesture with a smile and head outside.
Briskly, you make your way down the street and make a mental note to grab a jacket before the tour leaves, since the weather isn't particularly warm. The street leads you to a pleasant-looking corner shop and you decide it wouldn't hurt to take a look. A glance through the aisles reveals a small camera section that piques your interest. One of these cameras catches your eye and you make an impulsive decision to purchase it.

As you continue your walk with your new camera in hand, you make the realization that you may have too many cameras now. Four seemed like overkill considering your position at the moment, you had no real place to keep them for the next few months. A bit of thinking causes you to remember Jonny mentioning his desire to own more cameras. An idea pops into your head and you practically skip your way back to the hotel.


     After making your way back and double-checking you had packed everything, you met everyone back in the hotel lobby. The plan was to drive the necessary people and equipment to the venue and then transport the remaining crew and luggage to the next hotel. You were part of the essential crew so you wouldn't see your belongings until after the show, interviews, and possible after-party were done. This seemed easy enough, so you handed away your extra luggage and kept just what was needed. Michael came over to inform you that you'd be traveling with the band and not your coworkers since they needed extra space in the other van for equipment. While you weren't opposed to this, you worried this would be awkward since you weren't actually part of the band.

"You're stuck with us! Isn't that great?!" Thom ran up to you after getting the rundown from Michael, clearly excited by the news. You nod in agreement at Thom's comment as the rest of the band made their way towards you both. To your relief, everyone seemed relatively happy about the situation.
"Here, I'll help you with that", before you could object, Jonny took the duffel bag off your shoulder and slung it across his own.
"Hey-", you called after him but were interrupted by Thom wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Why don't you let people do nice things for you?" Thom asked, still clinging to you.
"'Cause I'm capable of doing things on my own." You were telling the truth, but Thom didn't seem to believe you. Regardless, he kept his arm around your shoulder and together you walked to the van.

The seating arrangement was another thing that had been on your mind, but Thom had other plans. Without warning, he pulled you into the back seat with him. This was good because it meant you didn't have to worry about deciding who to sit with. Jonny tried to sit in the middle seat with Colin and Phil, but given that Colin was aware of his situation, he forced him to sit in the back with you and Thom.
"What's this for?" Thom asked, upset with the discomfort of the seating situation.
"Jonny's too big to fit with us, you two are smaller," Colin answered without a beat. Thom groaned in response as he made a show of not being able to sit comfortably. You straightened yourself up and scooted towards Jonny so your shoulders were touching.
"I was just joking y/n, you can move"
"Just spread out, I'm not the one who has to lead a whole show." Thom silently adjusted himself on the seat. Though he hadn't outright said it, you knew he was thankful.
Now that you were near Jonny, you could finally give him the appreciation he was owed.
"Thanks for carrying my bag, you didn't have to."
"Oh! It's no problem. You're welcome." You turned to face forward since you had said what you wanted to, but there was still something resting on the tip of your tongue. Without thinking too much, you turned to face him again, this time leaning towards him slightly.
"Thanks for the compliment last night too... it was really kind." You spoke in a hushed voice, not wanting anyone else to hear.
"I just felt the need to say it, you don't have to thank me," Jonny whispered back, leaning further to hear you properly.
"Still. It was really nice", You sat back down properly in your seat, a small smile creeping its way onto your lips. As much as you tried to hide it, Thom still noticed and asked
"What're you smiling about?" You turned towards him, still struggling to hide your grin.


The ride continued with no problems, you got to catch a glimpse of Jonny's underrated humor and Thom's strange conversation topics. Though things seemed to slow down for a bit and Jonny went silent, you hadn't realized this was due to him falling asleep until he laid his head on your shoulder. His body was warm, and it embarrassed you to admit you found the way his chest slowly rose and fell comforting.
Colin turned around to check on his brother and instead found him asleep on your shoulder. As much as he thought this was cute, he didn't want you to be uncomfortable.
"You can push him off if you want", Colin suggested from the seat ahead.
"It's okay, I don't want to wake him." This was true, though you didn't want him to move anyways.
"He's a heavy sleeper, promise."
"No really, I don't mind."
You nod your head as gently as you can, not wanting to disturb Jonny. Colin shrugs and turns back around. Trying to stay awake proves to be a more difficult job than you once thought. Eventually, you give up and allow yourself to lay against Jonny, his warmth lulling you to sleep.


The sensation of being shaken wakes you up, though you have to rub your eyes a few times before remembering where you are. Thom is the one who woke you, now he leans across your lap in an attempt to shake Jonny awake too. You hear Jonny grunt a few times before he lifts his head off your shoulder.
"You two enjoy your beauty sleep?" Thom jokes as he pushes himself off your lap. You roll your eyes. By this point, Thom has already climbed over the seat in front of you and outstretches his hand to help you over. You take it and climb over the seat as well, Thom does the same for Jonny but with much more effort. It feels good to stand again.
Everyone seems to be in awe of the size of the venue, it's outdoor which means it's only going to get colder. This is particularly bad because you realize you'd packed your jacket in the luggage that would be heading to the hotel. You cross your arms in a terrible attempt to warm your bare limbs. The more you stand still seems to make you colder, so you begin to rock back and forth on your heels, this doesn't help much either. You huff loudly in frustration, which alerts Jonny. Swiftly, he takes off his jacket and places it on your shoulders. You turn around to face your savior, it shouldn't surprise you at this point that it's Jonny.
"Forget your jacket?" He asks, slightly teasing you for your forgetfulness.
"Unfortunately, yes. And as much as I appreciate your generosity, I can't accept this."
"It's fine, I've got a spare in the trunk."
"Are you sure? I'd hate to take this from you."
"Positive." Jonny ruffles your hair before leaving to search the van for his jacket.

You pull Jonny's jacket further onto your shoulders. It's too big for you, but that's what makes it extra comfortable. You begin to feel warmer already, but you're not certain if that's all the jacket's doing.

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Daydreaming [Jonny Greenwood x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now