⤷ 23,, maybe

131 11 52

number neighbour #1
[ 11.39 pm ]


how r you :)

number neighbour #1
Who are you?

i'm your number neighbour 🥳

isn't that fun?

we are destined to be friends :D

number neighbour #1
I'm sorry I don't know who you are

And I have no idea what a number
neighbour is

I can't help you I'm sorry

I think you've got the wrong number


so you don't want to be friends?

number neighbour #1
I don't think we could

Listen, I'm a twenty-seven year old
lawyer and this number is used for
my clients at work. I don't think it's
such a good idea to text you on this

I'm sorry

I'm sure you're a lovely person, but
this isn't working for me

oh no don't worry

i'm sorry for bothering you!

it was nice to meet you and just forget
i ever texted you hahah

number neighbour #1
That's okay! Have a lovely day,

I hope you find your friends! 😁

thank you :)

i hope i will too

bye !

"Well... That was awkward," you mumble as you turn around in your bed. You sigh as you lay on your back, your eyes focusing on the stars on your ceiling.

Maybe this whole "making new friends" thing isn't made for you. Maybe you should just stick to the ones you have. You cringe at the thought. But being friends with the twins, Suna, and Haruko only? Seems kinda boring.

You pout. Of course you love your friends dearly, but you've been friends with them for so long. You know all of them since you were little. And you appreciate them a lot, but sometimes you just want to make new friends. Have someone new... Someone new to talk to, someone new to get to know, and someone that maybe has the same interests for once.

Change is good in someone's life. It doesn't always need to be the same, does it? You need to add things to your life to make it interesting and fun. Just something different.

You sigh and close your eyes. Maybe you just need some more woman in your life. All your friends are males, but they never truly understand you. Maybe girls will understand you?

You're desperately hoping that your second number neighbour will be a female. And if not, at least that they're nice. And if they don't turn out to be someone nice, maybe you should stick to your pranks. Pranking is fun.

Although... That didn't turn out too well either. But at least your buddy is talking to you some more now. But it seems to be time for some new friends so you don't have to bother your buddy all the time. As he seems to think that...

𝗰𝗮𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 彡 𝐭.𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 (𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘃𝗲𝗿.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora