I Can See You

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If this is bad blame quandaledinglesballs She also wrote part of this

"Are you serious?!" Amelia shouts at me as the retractor ricochets off the floor and hits Amelia in the leg. "Out Winters!" She points towards the sliding glass doors.

I bow my head in shame as I make my way over to the trash can. I rip my gown and gloves off as the doors whoosh open. "I'm sorry." I mumble as I go to scrub out. I see Amelia shake her head in annoyance through the glass as I scrub my hands. I duck out of the scrub room without giving her another glance as tears start to form in my eyes.

I rush to an on-call room and slam the door as tears start to fall down my face. I sit on a cot as my face turns red and my hands fill with tears. I always do this! I have fucking butterfingers! Not only did I drop a retractor but I dropped it in-front of Amelia! And it hit her!

As the thoughts continue racing through my head the door swings open and light bleeds into the darkness. "Abby?" A familiar voice calls out. The shorter woman walks out of the door frame and shuts the door gently. She moves silently in the dark as i frantically try to follow her silhouette. The bed creaks as she sits down next to me and places a hand behind me.

My breathing hitches as she moves closer to me, her hot breath making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She moves her right hand up to my face and places it delicately on my cheek swiping a tear falling down my cheek with her thumb as her chest brushes against my side.

"Dr. Shepherd?" I whimper as my heart beats out of my chest

"Abby honey, look at me" she says quietly, almost as if she knew if she yelled at me I was going to break. She moved her left hand up to put two fingers under my chin, forcing me to up into her blue, blue eyes. The eye contact making me melt into her, tears starting to fall down my cheeks again.

"I'm sorry" I sob "i-i didn't mean to"

"it's ok you're ok" she coos while pulling me into her chest. I am intoxicated by her lavender perfume and her soothing helm. She runs her slender fingers through my hair keeping my feelings at bay.

Finally, I decide to break out off Amelia's tight grasp and make a break for the door. I hear Amelia take a step behind me as she grabs my wrist. "Not so fast." She growls. "I see how you look at me." I freeze in place as her fingers readjust around my wrist, grasping it tighter.

Like every doctor that has roamed the halls of Grey Sloan, I too gained an interest in Amelia Shepherd. Her piercing blue eyes and chestnut brown hair pulled me in on my first day of my internship and never let me go.

"What do you mean?" I try my best to play dumb but I know Amelia can see right through me. Without a word escaping from her lips she flips me around and throws me against the door, pinning me against it by my shoulders. I bite the inside of my mouth as Amelia slithers closer to me.

"I see how your eyes following me as I walk past you." She groans into my neck nibbling it gently. "I see how your eyes stare at my ass." She whispers sharply. I softly cup her ass in my hands and squeeze it harshly. "Who said you could touch me?" She grins wildly as she takes a hand off one of my shoulders and pulls my hands off her ass.

She drags me by my wrist and throws me onto a cot before pouncing on top of me. My heart races as I see the woman I've pinned over for months on top of me, acting as if she'll die without my touch. She pulls my light blue scrubs over my head and chucks them across the room and digs back into my neck. As she forms a mark on my neck she unties my scrub pants and pulls them to my ankles, revealing my red underwear that are completely soaked through.

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