Fuck Around & Find Out

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Shit Shit Shit 

Karen started panicking is he dead did I kill him? I hope that piece of shit is dead. Always played the good guy but he had a motive the whole damn time. I should have paid attention to the red flags but I was too busy trying to get Zac back. Aaron waited until I finally wanted to be in a relationship with him for him to start acting an ass. Everything went downhill once I lost the baby.

He blamed me for everything If I would have listened to the doctors then our baby would have been alive. I shouldn't have gone into that fire.

Hell I shouldn't have done a lot of things but it's too late now. 

I put my hoodie over my head and went into the gas station. I grabbed a couple things then made my way to the register. As I was checking out my pictured flashed crossed the screen with big red letters that said WANTED. I paid for my items and was about to walk out the store when they had mentioned the preacher that was shot in the church is alive.

I guess God was on his side but not for long. This time I was going to make sure his ass die. 


Doctor: Good Morning Aaron you are very lucky the bullet missed your spine. You will still need some physical therapy you got shot in your back and leg.

Aaron: Thank you doctor I am just happy to be alive 

Doctor: Yes God is good, well I will let you get some rest if the pain is unbearable let the nurse know and we can get you some more pain medicine.

Aaron: Thank you will do 

Karen managed to slip her way into the hospital disguised as a nurse. She made her way to the nurses station to find what room Aaron was staying in. 

Aaron laid his head back and closed his eyes thanking God for sparing his life. 

Karen walked into the room quietly 

Standing right by Aarons bedside 

She finally opened his eyes 

But the look on his face wasn't who Aaron wanted to see. He felt around for the button to press for the nurse 

Karen: Oh are you looking for this holding up the button. No nurse or angel is coming to save you this time.

Aaron to hurt to move he just laid there 

Bad Voice: Hurry up and get it over with before someone come in here 

Karen grabbed the pillow from behind Aarons neck causing his head to hit the pillow 

Karen placed the pillow over Aarons face pressing down as hard as she can 

Karen: Don't fight just let it happen 

I pray God forgive you for your sins you little dirty bastard 

Karen kept the pillow over his face until the machine went flat Aaron no longer had a pulse. She hurried up and left the room, she seen nurses running to his room.

One nurse yelled out 

Hey stop that nurse pointing to Karen

Karen ran down the staircase and out the door.

One more person is marked off Karen's list


I knew that if I wanted to beat Karen at her own game I needed to be two steps ahead of her and I knew the perfect person to help me. I called my cousin to see if she could get me eyes on Karens every move

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