I'm Not Crazy

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Karen woke up with cuts and bruises and a deep gash on her forehead. She felt the blood dripping from her face. 

She busted out laughing 

Damn trying to ruin this pretty face, now I got another body on my hands 

Bad voice: See I knew you had it in you now hurry up and gather yourself before someone drives by and sees you

Okay Okay I did just fly through a damn window give me a minute

I need to find a first aid kit to patch myself up 

Karen found a 24 hour pharmacy on the corner and elderly man was standing behind the counter

Ma'am are you okay 

Karen: Does it look like I am okay, where is your first aid kit

Clerk: They are in the back aisle 7 

pointing in that direction 

Clerk: You may need to go to the hospital that cut is pretty deep you need stitches

Karen: stitches is nothing , you are about to help me 

He started stuttering 

Clerk: I don't know how to do that ma'am 

Karen: I am going to walk you through it. Now go lock the doors so no one else comes in.

Clerk: I can't do that ma'am 

Karen: Look here old man I respect my elders and I do not want to hurt you I already killed someone tonight

Clerk: I am calling 911

Karen: Now didn't I just say I don't want to hurt you but I will cripple you old man

Clerk: Okay please don't kill me I have a wife 

Karen: Yeah yeah just patch me up so I can get out of here

Bad voice: You know you're going to have to kill him right

Karen: No I will let papa live

Bad voice: Well just be prepared for him to call the police as soon as you leave here

Karen: Just shut up 

Clerk: I didn't say anything 

Karen: Not you old man , now come on

The old man hand was shaking the whole time

Karen: Keep your damn hand still before you have zig zags all over my damn forehand 

Clerk: I am sorry I am just nervous 

Karen: Just calm your damn nerves I am not going to hurt you.

After the clerk finished Karen looked in the mirror 

Karen: This is going to leave a scar but you patched me up really good. I'm going to take a couple things with me I hope you don't mind.

Clerk: No help yourself 

Karen walked around the store packing everything into her backpack

Karen: Give me one of those pre-paid phones back there and put $200 on it

The man held out his hand expecting Karen to give him some money 

Karen: Do it look like I got some money on me consider it a IOU 

Clerk: Okay well you better get going 

Karen skipped out the door like a happy little kid that got some candy 

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