Side story Faizi Part 2

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Continuing from the last part,

The scorching sun was baking the dry ground that was already covered with cracks. There was no breeze, only hot and dry air that easily dehydrated the body.  

Koel was carrying a few bottles of water and some candy. She walked towards a white tent. She saw Faizi from a distance. He was measuring the blood pressure for a native african man. There were a few kids playing in the tent too. They were very skinny and dressed in rags. But their eyes were big and bright.  

Kris.” She walked behind him. When the kids saw Koel, they gathered around her.

Joe is here!  Hello Joe!”

The children were very fond of her. She was delighted to see them too. She sat on the floor, opened her backpack and distributed the water and candy to them. They cheered excitedly. She looked up and met Faizi’s warm and gentle gaze.

This was their 43rd day of doing voluntary work in impoverished parts of Africa. She was overwhelmed by the poverty and hopelessness of the place when she first arrived. She has never seen a place like this in her life.  This was Faizi’s fifth visit to this part of the world. His first visit was when he was sixteen years old.

Someone once said: If you love someone, he or she may change your life.

What if you fall in love with a selfless and great man?  

Koel believed she has changed for the better because of him.

At sunset, they sat down under a tree in a quiet spot, away from the crowd.  They have left the tents of the Médecins Sans Frontières. The humanitarian-aid organisation’s tents were white in colour, which symbolised hope and healing. Koel looked at the magnificent view in front of her. Not far from where they sat was a steep cliff, then a big and deep canyon. In front of nature, humans always seemed so small and insignificant. But because of Faizi, Koel felt her life was meaningful and complete.  

She loves everything that has to do with him. Faizi has introduced her to a world beyond her normal life and experiences.  

A penny for your thoughts.” Faizi looked at his girlfriend. She seemed pensive. He leaned closer and kissed her. Koel wrapped her arms around his neck. They lied quietly together.  Their body cast a long shadow on the crimson ground they are sitting on.

- His favourite place for love making is traditional - the bed. But they have done it on a misty morning in the balcony of a villa in the forrest, in a tent in the middle of a desert, and even at the backseat of his Lexus….  She felt that she is very blessed, because she understands her lover.  

- They will live happily ever after like those fairytales.  Nothing can change that.  

What about Faizi. What is he thinking of at this time?

He thought that she would not get used to working in Africa. She is a rich kid from America. Even though she has been well brought up, she will not be used to the hardship associated with voluntary work in this challenging part of the world. But she is able keep pace with him.  She showed him that she is more capable than he thinks.  

‘I will propose to her when she graduates.”  He thought to himself. It’s too young for her to get married at the moment.  But it’s such a long wait. It’s another four years. Perhaps they should get engaged first.

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