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Louis P.O.V.

As I left my house turning the corner to get to her house I quickly walked cause I was 2 minutes behind schedule. As I quickly walked I stopped abruptly as I saw her barely leaving her home, making me smirk that I get to look at her beautiful untouched ass.

I kept my distance as she swayed her hips turning me on. I felt like a lion hunting watching his prey and I love the feeling watching her carefully, it gave me a thrill I especially love the way she would turn around because she thought someone was behind her then I would hide behind something near us scaring her a little. I love how I can hear her heart rate increased, when she felt something watching her move to funny she doesn't know it's me.

"MEL!" I looked towards her best friend running towards her I didn't like him he always tried to get to close to her. I didn't like that he's lucky she treasure him because they've been best friends since kindergarten.

Your probably wondering how the hell I know that well my looks don't give my age away... I'm actually over million years old. Your probably also wonder what kind of specific creature well I'm not a vampire, angel, no I'm non of those for I am no creature I'm a demon one of the strongest and most powerful one in hell. I've had my eyes on Melina since she was very young, when she would talk to her "imaginary friend" that was actually me.

"Mel are you going to the party this weekend?" I heard him tell my Melina I could hear his heart rate increase I knew he wanted to take her... funny thing is I'm not going to let him take her cause she's mine.

"Sorry Leo but I'm have plans with Tam, I can't bail this time. I'm sorry." she wasn't lying cause well Tam is one of the second demons I brought here to earth with me. I made Tam be best friends with Melina so I could get closer to her and I'm meeting her tomorrow to tell her that when she hangs out with her over the weekend ill be with them for a little so she can introduce us of course.

"It's fine I understand Mel." He side hugged her my blood boil as he touched my Melina my pace quickened but I quickly stopped myself when I was 4 inches away from his head.

"Bye I'll see you after school." Mel said turning to go to her 1st period I was in all her classes I just never made myself known to her until the weekend when I see her she will know who I am not the real me of course.

7th Period

I smirked as I talked to one of the sluts of the school named Liv "So Louis are you coming to the party this weekend?" I've only fucked her a couple of times but that was it... she was well annoying she pissed me off a lot and she always talked about Melina which made me want to kill her but I controlled myself.

"Sorry Liv I can't I have plans with one of my old friends." She scoffed at me which made me smirk at her stupidity for scoffing me.

"Whatever Louis it's your lost." she got up from the desk in font of me as she made way to her next victim who was one of my "friends" Jorge he was one of the jocks here at this school

I watch Melina as she kept quiet reading her book which was one of my favorites *The Great Expectation* I was there I'm the one who gave the writer her wish for just a small price of course... I got out of my day dream so I could study my Melina some more she was just so innocent, she didn't sleep with anybody which offcourse was perfect for me. I love how she was just herself for which I admired her for. As I was watching her I see Kevin another jock "friend" walk up to her making me stand up.

I watched as she hid behind her book from her fear of Kevin. I wanted to kill him because he would bully my girl. He's lucky I haven't killed him when he started picking on her in middle school, she would tell me not to hurt them because they were troubled children.

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