t w e n t y - n i n e

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"Okay so we need some bread, cheese, ham and of course vodka, Quinn however requested wine so we have to get that for her as-well. Some form of sweets or anything sweet in general and then um, I can barely read my own handwriting. And then something else. It's probably not even that important anyway." Tessa read out from the piece of paper that had been labelled as the shopping list, the sound of her flip flops smacking against the empty road using up my concentration.

She looked at me as if she was looking for confirmation, which I gave with a small hum.

"Cece bloody hell. I get you guys are in love but you haven't talked for what. 5 maybe 6 hours? You shouldn't be experiencing withdrawal just yet." Tessa laughed at her own joke. The sentence was quick to make my jaw dislocate from its usual position, all my attention turning to her.

"Who are you even talking about?" I asked, my voice going up an octave.

"Landooo." She stated in a sing song voice, her body leaning towards mine. I rolled my eyes, shoving her back, my strides lengthening.

"It was a joke!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and bringing me in closer. "Just saying, this is like an almost thirty minute walk so you might not want to get too mad at me just yet." Her hand rubbed against my shoulder in an act of joking comfort.

"So, you got anyone special?" I asked, switching the subject round to her.

"Sadly no. I was thinking maybe an f1 driver if you could get me in contact of course." She fluttered her eyelashes at me as if she was seducing me.

"I know like three." I shrugged, knocking her hand off my shoulder in the process.

"Who  know the other seventeen!" Tessa said as if it was obvious, using her hands to prove the point as she expanded them.

This is going to be a long walk.

"Okay.... so we have all the food." Tessa said, leaning her body weight onto the trolly as she pushed it around the very small shop. I muttered a check under my voice, trailing my eyes over the variation of alcohol once we came to a stop.

"Maybe we should just do the emergency alcohol shop now and then do the actual one when we are all here?" She proposed , giving me a look.

"Smart." I pointed at her with a nod of my head before grabbing the cheapest bottle of vodka I could find and then the same with the wine, carefully placing them in the trolly.

"Should we get some snacks, it is a long walk?" She didn't bother answering me before she was skidding through the aisles, grabbing random things.

"Done!" She flashed me her usual smile before approaching the cashier and passing him her ID and then we were off.

The shopping bag was heavy as we weaved throughout the streets, taking turns in holding it as a result. Tessa referred to it as 'joint custody' multiple times, earning looks from passers by which she was happy to return for listening in on a so called private conversation.

"Just saying, I really do think we should have a summer fling this year, last year it was all serious and just eh so." She held her finger up to me for a dramatic pause effect. "You don't have to though, I know you have something else going on." Her shoulder nudged into my already unbalanced one, almost sending me over but she was quick to realise her mistake and grabbed my arm before my body could even consider going anywhere.

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