Lifeless Souls (Short Story!)

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I don't normally write in this style, but i had a few ideas and decided to give it a go and put pen to paper (or rather, finger to keyboard!) Hope you all enjoy, and please remember to commentttt!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx


I opened my eyes to find a dark, misty, starless night above. Wet, fragile blades of grass tickled my skin, and as my midnight black hair spread out around my head in a swirl of darkness, it soon became damp from the dew-soaked ground I lay upon. My fingers softly touched the tips of grass as my hands set upon the ground.

I turned around briefly to watch closely as a caterpillar slowly munched at the leaves of a wildflower greedily, ignoring my presence, lagging its long fat body along the plant to the next juicy, green leaf.

How lucky it was to be a caterpillar. Deftly consuming leaves for half its life without a care in the world, only to grow more and more, until soon it transformed into a beautiful butterfly; the epitome of its being.

Humans were much different. We had too many complications in our lives, too many feelings, too much emotion, so many worries, and such expectation that was too often let down. Caterpillars lived life knowing it was to be a replica of a caterpillar before it, and an example for another after. For every human, there was a different story.

I felt a breeze on the back of my neck, and turned instinctively, only to meet a pair of emerald green eyes. I jumped, startled, despite my melancholy aura.

"Star, what are you doing here?" I squeaked at her, in trepidation. I never managed to stay depressed around her, even though she was the main reason for my glum approach to life.

"What? Am I not even allowed to visit you anymore? Don't you like me anymore? I bet you've found a new friend to adore you now! You obviously don't need me anymore!" she screeched so loud I saw faint shadows I took for birds fly up into the night in fear of such a shrill noise.

"No, of course not Star! You know I love you only. You're my only friend! You're everything to me, only you!" I blurted out, panic-stricken.

Her face turned from fiery red with aggravation, to pale white tranquillity.

"Oh, good." She smiled at me mischievously.

"Serena!" I heard a voice shout behind me.

I turned to see my best friend Dylan a few feet behind me. At first my face lit up with happiness at the sight of him, and I waved to show I'd seen him, but then I suddenly remembered who was with me, and even though I knew he couldn't see her, I knew for definite she could see him.

"What is he doing here?" She snarled through her teeth.

My eyes shifted to hers, and I almost felt as if the piercing slits were going to devour me with all the hate they held. My eyes darted to and fro from Star to Dylan worriedly, and I tried contemplating in my mind what I should do. I finally decided that the best thing would be to send Dylan away. Star was dangerous, even I knew that.

I opened my mouth to shout, but Star suddenly covered it with her hand. I looked at her face, and saw that the look of contempt had suddenly vanished, and was replaced by a sudden look of amusement and mischief.

"No! Let him come, I want to meet him. He looks like a nice boy." She said softly in my ear. Dylan was running towards me now, he was only a few yards away. My heart hammered against my ribs in anticipation, God knew what Star was up to.

Dylan finally reached us.

"Serena!" he panted roughly from his run, locking me in a warm embrace, "Where have you been all this time? Why did you run away from home? Why did you leave me?"

Lifeless Souls (Short Story!)Where stories live. Discover now