~ep 3~(Meeting each other)

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Authors note

So uhm me and my mom went somewhere and I didn't know that we were going to my sisters apartment so we slept there so I couldn't update and after going home I forgot that I have a story :)

Kana ☁️:Isn't this the day that I will meet Aqua and ruby again? Ugh honestly I don't want anything to do with aqua and ruby......

Aqua and ruby talking
Ruby saw kana

Ruby:hey.. Aqua isn't that the child actress we met like years ago?

Ruby whispered to Aqua

Aqua:I think so......

Kana ☁️:I'll just ignore them I don't want to get manipulated......

Aqua:Did she ignore us or didn't see us

Aqua whispered to Ruby

Ruby:Shes probably mad because of what you said years ago. I'm going to talk to her!

Ruby walks towards kana

Ruby:Hey child actress who can lick baking soda!!

Kana ☁️: huh why did she talk to me... As I remember she shouldn't talk or notice me...


Ruby :Hey I'm sorry! What was your name again?

Kana: Arima kana ( I used the last, name first)

Ruby : Can I call you loli senpai? (I don't remember the episode)

Kana : I don't care....

Ruby ☁️: Is she in a bad mood?

Ruby: Okay Loli senpai!!!

I have to end it here because I have to watch the anime again......

Word: 230

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