🍂158 - Rolling in By the Vine (5)

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Raon could see Cale’s stiff expression.


The low voice made Raon realize that his thought might be going too wild. Raon started to speak with a stiff expression as well.


Raon had a perfect grasp of Cale’s strength. The Black Dragon’s front paw patted on Cale’s leg.

“Human, I said something too wild. Not only is your body weak, your influence is also much less than the Empire’s royal family. So just sit back. I will loot the palace for you.”

“What are you talking about?”


Contrary to Raon, who had been serious about looting the palace for Cale, Cale started to pack the box and diary up as he shared his new plan.

“Let’s look for it starting tomorrow.”

“Human, that is more like you! The Grand Palace is just dust compared to a great and mighty Dragon! Do not worry! I will destroy anything in our way!”

Cale ignored the vicious ramblings of a five-year-old as he headed to the only window on the floor.

He stopped in front of the window.

He had not considered breaking in through this window.

The window was only about as wide as Cale’s face. There were also iron bars, making it difficult to see outside.

However, the Vatican was completely visible past this window. You could even see the Alchemists’ Bell Tower and the Grand Palace behind the Vatican as well.

Raon moved over to Cale, who was looking out the window. Cale touched the bars as he started to speak.

“The Holy Maiden must have had it hard. She had to spend her life in this prison.”

Cale’s emotional statement made Raon recall his years in the cave. Raon looked toward Cale with an emotional gaze.

‘This human really is a good person. He knows how to have this kind of thought as well.’


“Yes, good human.”

“Let’s resolve this Holy Maiden’s grudges.”

“Yes! Human, let’s do it!”

Cale smiled while looking at Raon energetically nod his head. It was a very sly smile.

* * *

“Are you done?”

Cale nodded his head at Choi Han’s question and handed him a bottle.

“…Isn’t this dead mana?”

It was a bottle of dead mana. It would kill anybody who drank it. Cale was always carrying this around while saying, ‘just in case.’

Cale pointed outside the tower and started to speak.

“Pull up all the grass in the garden and put one or two drops of dead mana in the dirt. It would be bad if it gets polluted.”

Choi Han found it difficult to wrap his head around the sudden command, but he had a good idea about what Cale was trying to do.

“Cale-nim, do I just need to leave evidence of Arm being here?”

‘He really is smart.’

Although Choi Han acted aloof every so often, Cale knew that he was a smart person.

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now