🍁129 - Really A Good Person (4)

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"Then what should we do now?"

Hannah looked toward Cale while feeling lost. Her shaking pupils seemed to be asking Cale for some answers. Unfortunately, she picked the wrong opponent.

"You were suspicious of me just a moment ago, but now you're asking me what you should do?"

Cale said whatever came to mind.

His mind did not have the room to deal with the twins right now.

"B, but, you are fighting against Arm-."

'Fighting? Absolutely not.'

Cale shook his head as he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"You two should ask Miss Lina for help right now. The Jungle is wide and has many places where you can hide. Miss Lina should be able to help you."

Hannah calmed down a bit after hearing Cale sounding so calm. What Cale said next resonated in her mind.

"And heal yourself first. You are the only one who can protect yourself. But you already know that, right?"

"...I know. This situation has helped me realize that even better."

Her brother was born with the healing abilities of the Sun God, but, potentially because of that, he was not athletic at all. Compared to him, she was very talented in physical activities and swordplay.

[FF/A: A major part of my reason why I like this novel so much is that the offence and defence is almost equally distributed amongst the two genders and women here are neither bitchy nor helpless damsel in distress.]

It was her responsibility to protect the two of them.

However, she could hear Cale continuing to speak.

"Yes, don't trust anybody."

She looked back at Cale.

"Don't trust Miss Lina, and don't trust me either. Only rely on each other."

The man told her to not trust him with an indifferent expression on his face. Hannah thought about the magic spearman.

'Think of me as your brother. Trust us. We will give the two of you freedom.'

She then thought about the pope.

'I was the one who took two worthless children like you and turned you into superstars. Trust me. I will help you shine in the light of our Sun God.'

Everybody else had told the two of them to trust them.

She nodded her head at Cale, who was looking at her.

"Okay. I won't trust you."

That answer made Cale nod his head as well.

That was the right decision for Hannah to make.

All this woman in front of him had was her dying body and her brother, who only had healing abilities.

She had nowhere to run and just needed somewhere to hide.

After being betrayed by the Empire, the secret organization, and the church, she had nowhere to go.

That was why Cale said the following.

"And I will take you to someone who can save you, so just wait for me."

"...Can I really live?"


The blonde sword master's eyes started to be filled with life again. She touched a spot on her arm that was dyed black before looking at Cale with a focused expression.

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