Chapter 08 - Preparing

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When Merula arrived to apologise and ask for help, Samwise was, of course, shocked. Who wouldn't be?

It was 9pm and Samwise was in his dorm room, getting ready for bed, when suddenly, he heard an aggressive pound at the door - KNOCK KNOCK.

"Ugh," groaned Samwise, laying down in discomfort on his bed, "I'm too tired for this... Barnaby, do you mind getting the door?"

One of his roommates, Barnaby Lee, nodded and went to get the door. "Alright," He stood up and walked over, something that displayed his tall height and athletic build - he seemed older than the other eleven-year-olds. His green eyes complimented the tone of his Slytherin robes, as well as his swept brown hair.

When he had opened the door, revealing who was there, Samwise's jaw dropped. Merula Snyde herself.

She immediately walked in, not even acknowledging any other Slytherin but Samwise. "Sure, let yourself in." Samwise sarcastically commented. "What do you want, Snyde?"

Merula rolled her eyes, "We need to talk."

"Then talk." snapped Samwise.

She scoffed, "Alone, you idiot."

What was to talk about? Samwise felt that his business with her was done and he had taken enough action against her misdeeds. Unless it was an apology-

"I need to apologise." Merula blurted.

The once chatter-filled dorm room turned to absolute silence. Not one of Samwise's four roommates uttered a sound.

"Uh," excused Samwise, "Perhaps this should be discussed privately."

Leaving the warm comfort of his bed, Samwise reluctantly followed Merula to where she was leading him. "I hope this isn't like last time, with the Devil's Snare..."

Eventually, the two came to a halt when they had reached a certain corridor, and Merula had turned to face Samwise.

"Look, Sullivan, I know I've done some bad things..."

Samwise dryly laughed, "Some?"

Merula grumbled, "Fine, a lot. But I'm truly sorry for all of that. It's just that... I was upset, and bitter, and stupid."

Samwise wanted her to continue - not explaining, just insulting herself.

"I've just been really jealous of you and your family..." she pleaded, "Since they're so loving and admirable... And you're so powerful."

Okay, so maybe she was telling the truth. After all, it would make sense, and, Samwise would have to admit, Merula was pretty smart. And you would have to be smart to recognise his power and respect him.

Sure, she was feeding his ego, but was that such a bad thing? Still, Samwise felt somewhat unsure.

And it was as though Merula was reading his thoughts. "And I had a rough childhood and all that sad stuff..." she announced with puppy dog eyes. She managed a tear, as she looked down at her feet.

Any reasonable person would quickly find that she was lying about everything she was saying and was just trying to get something.

And so Samwise didn't realise. Okay, so he wasn't the best at reading emotions, but it all seemed genuine enough. He felt that he just had to stop hating her.

"It's okay," Samwise comforted, "I forgive you."

Merula looked straight up at Samwise, her tear and frown gone completely. "Great! So we're friends, right?"

Samwise had to pause and think, an action that was too time consuming for Merula. "Listen," she convinced, "We both know that you and I are the strongest here at Hogwarts - I'm the best witch, you're the best wizard - and so it's only fair that we stick together."

The Sullivan Hogwarts Mystery: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now