Chapter 05 - The Duel

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Samuel never expected to be preparing his little brother for a duel after less than a week at Hogwarts, but then again, here he was.

Knock knock, creaked the door to the Charms classroom. "Come in," declared a wise voice from inside.

Samuel entered the room, to see Professor Flitwick standing atop a pile of books to grade some papers. Samuel respectfully addressed the man, "Professor Flitwick, may I speak to you?"

"Ahh," replied Flitwick, turning around and pushing his monocles up, "Sullivan, is it not? You know, I have some of your siblings, and I am glad that one of you are in my house! Might I say, I quite enjoy your family. Do you have any younger siblings?"

Flitwick beamed with joy. The professor was the head of Ravenclaw - for the witty, intelligent and creative.

"I'm honoured that you think so highly of my family, sir, truly," bowed Samuel, "And yes, I have a little brother, Simon, though he is four-years-old. He's a little... Eccentric, to say the least."

Flitwick chuckled, "Eccentric, you say? Funny, he seems like he could be a Ravenclaw one day!"

Samuel laughed alongside the professor, before remembering what he had come there for. "But anyways, do you mind me asking a question? It's about your dueling..."

Flitwick lit up, "Dueling? Well, I'll have you know I was a duelling champion! What must you know, boy?" Flitwick got down from his pile and faced Samuel, looking directly up of course.

"Well, hypothetically, if you were challenged to a duel, what spell would you use?" Samuel pondered.

"Hypothetically, you say? Well, alright then. If I were being attacked by say, a dark wizard, I would most certainly use this charm. I- actually, think it would be easier showing you," babbled Flitwick, "Do you mind taking your wand out, Mr. Sullivan?"

Samuel nodded, following his instructions. "Of course, professor, now wha-"

"Expelliarmus!" cast Flitwick, sending Samuel's wand flying across the room.

Samuel's mouth gaped in amazement, pleasing Flitwick. "Impressive, right? That, my boy, was the Disarming Charm, known as Expelliarmus. Curious on learning it?"

Samuel smiled, "Of course, professor, yes!"

The two practiced and performed, leading to Samuel almost perfecting the craft.

"Impressive, Sullivan," Flitwick confessed, "You have a lot of potential."

Samuel appreciated the professor's warm smile, although it quickly faded. "May I remind you, however," he continued, "That this is for dire circumstances, such as self defence. If you were to duel on school grounds, unauthorised, it may lead to expulsion. It is strictly prohibited. Understand?"

"Er... Yes, professor."

"Do you promise not to go against my word?"


"Yes, I promise not to go against your word."

"Very well. Now salutations and farewell, I must go back to grading these papers," Flitwick explained, ging back up to his pile, "And I believe you should be leaving as well. I must admit that this was fun, however."

"I agree, professor," smiled Samuel, as he began to leave the Charms classroom.

"Wait," paused Flitwick, "Ten points to Ravenclaw."

He felt great - he bonded with his professor, learnt a new spell, and... technically avoided lying.

He did say that he wouldn't duel. He never said Samwise wouldn't.

The Sullivan Hogwarts Mystery: Year OneΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα