Chapter 2

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Hare Krishna
Chapter 2

Rajendra's eyes bore into Anubhav's, a cold determination evident in his demeanour. "You must reach the marriage registrar office by 2 pm," he instructed firmly, his words falling on Anubhav's ears like a heavy weight.

Anubhav nodded, his silent compliance a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. He knew this was the price he had to pay to secure Dhruv's future, but it was a price that left a bittersweet taste in his heart.

"You must be dressed in a more presentable attire," Rajendra continued, scrutinising Anubhav's waiter uniform with disdain. "This is a marriage, after all."

Anubhav understood the man's demand for appearances, yet the thought of dressing up for a forced union felt like a cruel irony. Nevertheless, he nodded again, accepting the requirement without protest.

"And bring a friend who can act as a witness," Rajendra added, a calculating glint in his eyes. "You wouldn't want any complications, would you?"

Anubhav's heart sank further as the weight of Rajendra's words settled upon him. He knew Rajendra wanted to ensure that there were no loose ends, that the marriage would proceed smoothly and without any interference.

With a heavy heart, Anubhav nodded for the third time, acknowledging Rajendra's demands. He wondered who he could ask to be a witness, knowing that involving anyone close to him would only bring them into the complicated web of his life.

As he walked away, the weight of Rajendra's words followed him like a shadow. Anubhav knew he was about to embark on a journey that would change the course of his life forever. With each step he took, the path before him became increasingly uncertain, and yet, he was resolute in his determination to fulfil his duty as a brother, even if it meant walking into the unknown with a heart that could not speak but loved fiercely.

In his small and modest apartment, Anubhav stood before a mirror, wearing a navy blue pair of pants that he had borrowed from a friend and a simple, sky blue shirt. His appearance, though not extravagant, held a sense of presentability that Rajendra had demanded for this significant occasion.

With a deep breath, Anubhav picked up his phone, his thumbs dancing over the screen as he composed a message to his friend Sharat. The words flowed effortlessly in the world of texts, a medium that allowed him to express himself in a way that spoken words could not.

"Hey Sharat, need you at the courthouse by 2 pm. Bring a mangalsutra( nuptial chain) and vermillion. Important. Please be there. - Anubhav"

He hit send, feeling a mix of relief and nervousness. Sharat had been his confidant, his partner-in-crime through thick and thin. Though he couldn't vocalize his thoughts, Sharat had always understood him, often serving as his voice in a world that often overlooked his silent presence.

As Anubhav finished preparing for the significant event, he felt a surge of emotions within him. The path that lay ahead was fraught with uncertainties, but he was determined to see it through for Dhruv's sake. The responsibility he carried as an older brother weighed on his shoulders, guiding him towards the decision he had made, no matter how difficult it seemed.

With the time ticking away, he left his apartment, feeling a mix of nervousness and resolve that churned within him. The journey to the courthouse was accompanied by a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, but he knew that Sharat's presence would bring a sense of comfort and support.

At the courthouse, Anubhav spotted Sharat, waiting patiently near the entrance. The familiarity in Sharat's eyes reassured him, and they exchanged a silent nod of understanding.

As they made their way inside, Anubhav's heart pounded in his chest. The room was filled with the buzzing chatter of people, but to him, it all seemed like a distant murmur. He focused on the task at hand, the commitment he was about to make, as he awaited the arrival of  Rajendra and his niece.

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