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Hare Krishna

In the bustling city of New Delhi, two lives from vastly different worlds collide, weaving a tale of sacrifice, love, and resilience.

Anubhav Gupta, a 23-year-old with a haunting past, lives a life of hardships but carries an unyielding determination. Mute since childhood, he communicates through expressive gestures and has learned to navigate the world on his own terms. His tall, dusky frame and striking silver eyes draw both curiosity and respect from those around him. To make ends meet and care for his young brother Dhruv, 10, he takes on multiple odd jobs, including being a bartender, waiter, fuel centre attendant, and even a street fighter.

On the other side of the city, Nitara Singh, a 19-year-old orphan, exemplifies the strength of spirit despite her circumstances. Studying BA English and living with her abusive uncle and aunt, she dreams of a life free from their oppression. Her innocence, paired with her unyielding determination, sets her apart from her indifferent relatives.

Fate intervenes when Anubhav and Nitara's paths cross at a grand party hosted by Nitara's wealthy and influential uncle and aunt to celebrate her cousin Neha's 22nd birthday. Anubhav, working as a waiter at the event, catches Nitara's attention with his captivating presence. Unaware of his mute condition, she is drawn to his enigmatic charm.

Little does Anubhav know that Nitara's uncle and aunt have taken a keen interest in his life's struggles. Seeing an opportunity to exploit his vulnerability, they offer him a staggering amount of money – 7 lacs – in exchange for marrying Nitara. They play a cruel hand, threatening to shut down an NGO that helps elderly women if Nitara refuses to comply.

Left with seemingly no choice, Nitara agrees to the marriage, knowing that it could provide her the chance to escape her oppressive relatives. Anubhav, desperate for the funds to finance his brother's surgery, also agrees, despite his initial hesitations.

As they embark on this unconventional journey, Anubhav and Nitara find solace and strength in each other's company. An unexpected bond forms between the two, transcending the barriers of communication. Anubhav's expressive gestures speak volumes, while Nitara's compassionate heart understands his unspoken words.

Forced by circumstances beyond their control, Anubhav and Nitara find themselves bound together by an arrangement born of desperation. As they venture into an unconventional union, fate weaves its intricate tapestry, intertwining their hearts in ways neither of them could have foreseen.

"Whispers of Fate" is an emotionally charged journey that delves into the power of resilience and the transformative nature of love. Will Anubhav and Nitara's silent hearts find the courage to overcome the obstacles thrown their way? Will their union be a beacon of hope in a world that often speaks too much but listens too little? Step into their world and discover the beauty of a bond that defies words, where whispers of fate lead to an extraordinary love story.

How is the theme, preface and cover?

Radhe Radhe

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