Chapter Two

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David's POV

It was the day after the performance of Medda and Kristina. Les and I head over to the lodging house to meet up with the boys. I see Mush and Blink and rush over to them to talk to them about the events of last night.

"Mush, Kid. You won't believe what happened last night!" I say as I stand in front of them.

"What happened Davey?" Mush asks.

"I met this girl and she was beautiful and her voice was just woah."

"What's her name?" Blink asks.

"Kristina Larkin," I say.

"Oh yea. I know her, I ain't gonna lie she sure is beautiful." Blink says in agreement.

"How come you guys meet all the pretty girls? I've never even heard of this girl!" Mush says. I laugh at his slight jealousy.

"She's Medda's daughter man," Blink says to Mush. I nod my head.

"Man, when she was performing it was just hypnotic. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Say you gotta meet her Mush. I'm sure you two would hit it off."

"Speaking of, look who's walking down the street," Blink says pointing to a girl in a pink dress with short off-the-shoulder sleeves and lace that forms into a bow in the front. Her skirt puffed out and went all the way to her feet. She had white lace gloves on along with a white hat that has a pink ribbon along the hem of it.

"Woah," Mush says under his breath.

"Kristina!" Jack shouts not that far away from us. She looks over at Jack and walks over to him and Race.

"Go on Mush. Go say hi." I tell him. He walks over with his hands in his pockets.

Mush's POV

"Hey," I say looking into the girl's eyes.

"Hello." She says with a small smile.

"I'm Mush."

"Kristina." She says tilting her head to get a better look at me. "Where'd you get this bruise from?" She asks as she holds my cheek and strokes the almost-gone bruise.

"It's nothing, just a shiner," I say avoiding the conversation of violence. You never want to talk about violence with a pretty girl, turns them off.

"Well, you seem like a sweetheart Mush." She says removing her hand from my face. She smiles at me and gosh was she gorgeous. "Say you should come to see me perform."

"I would love that," I say looking slightly down at her.

"I'll see you today at 3:30 then. Or if you would rather at 8:30. If anything comes up just let me know, I'll be at the theatre all day. Feel free to bring a plus one." She says with a smile.

"See you then," I say as she nods and walks over to Jack who puts his arm over her shoulder. I walk back to David and Kid Blink.

"So?" David asks.

"She invited me to one of her performances," I say with a shrug.

"Ohhh you got to go. Well, you just gotta." Blink says I nod at his remark. I look over at her and see she's laughing. Her smile is beautiful.

"She told me I can bring a plus one. Wanna go Blink?" I ask.

"Hell yea," Blink says in response.

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