Ch.1 - Our Hearts Divided/Prologue

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*2 years ago*

"I trusted you! ~" a male voice spoke louder - "I trusted you, the League! I trusted every last one of you! And this is the thanks we get?!" his voice raised louder to the point everyone could hear him from the other side.

"I had no choice! It was either that or the League gets targeted too! I can't have that happen" she argued back with annoyance.

"You did have a choice, you promised to stick by my side Kara! I thought we could trust you! Thought I could trust you!! But you ratted us out, made us look like the enemy!" he was livid, most of his people were killed by Government agents, the League had secretly been feeding the President information about the Incarnians, a human-type species from the dimension/world of Incarnon, his people had been at war for years and now that the Government had been targeting them, he was livid to learn that the Justice League had something to do with it, falsely thinking the good batch on Incarnians which was the Resistance, it made things worse.

Innocent Incarnians were slaughtered in the attack, their homes burned and destroyed, Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Grandfathers and Grandmothers were killed, much of their blood was on the Human hands and it sparked outrage. Most notably sparking outrage between Y/N aka Pike: A young magic wielding warrior that protected his people... and Kara Zor-El, who was part of the League.

"The League is outraged by this too! It's not just -"

"My mother is dead... My brother is dead... All because. Of you! And the League!" he growled, dropping the bombshell which made her go dead quiet, her eyes slightly widening as those words repeated in her head.

Her words were clogged from coming out, she wanted to say something but she couldn't find the words, she remembered meeting them and how nice people they were, to think of that? It almost broke her hearing those words escape his mouth.

She looked horrified by the bombshell, by the truth...

"I... I..."

"What? Got something to say? ~" he mocked - "don't... Because this? Us? It's over" he began backing off, turning his back toward her as she stared at him.

"What?! What do you mean by that?!!" She floated toward him, getting in his way to stop him before he shoved her out of his way gently as he walked out the door.

"It means we're over, our relationship is finished" he spoke with no remorse, not even looking at her as he continued walking.

"No! It isn't! Not yet! Y/N I'm sorry... I'm - " 

"Kara... You lied to me... You broke your promise... You and the damn League is responsible for all of this! And what? You're sorry?? ~" he scolded her as tears began to run down from her eyes, he didn't bother to take a glance at her, he took a deep breath as his heart sank, he didn't think it would have to come to this but it did... It's been said... No turning back now - "This needs to happen and I can't trust you anymore, or any of you... If you had took my side... We wouldn't be here right now, would we? ~" he asked her but never got a proper response, he could hear her shaky breaths as her heart sank, it hurt him hearing this but deep down, she needed to hear this, she needed to know how livid he was with her and the League - "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get back to my people to prepare to leave... Or what's 'left' of them. but if I see you or any League members in the area? I won't hesitate to kill you. As I said before... We're done" he spoke coldly before sighing, taking one last glance at Kara as tears flooded down her face.

His face saddened upon the state she was in, he slowly began to regret what he said but shook those thoughts out of his head but maybe he was way too harsh on blaming her for the deaths of his mother and brother, the only family he had left now gone because of this.

Our Hearts Never Divided: Ex-gf Supergirl x Ex-bf Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now