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Alistair's pov

We walked on the gloomy pathway that was in the woods, but it led us to the Town. The birds were chirping, the air smelled like rain from last night, and there was a strong breeze attempting to blow us away.

It wasn't awkward. Thank God at least.

Afzal compliments me. "You look amazing, the colors suit your complexion."

That means a lot to me! Since I've started working I've been able to buy more clothes that I've been wanting for years.

I grin at that compliment. It's not one you hear often. "Thank you. You look wonderful as well, I've noticed you have a way of expressing yourself. You stand out a lot."

He laughs wholeheartedly. "That means a lot to me, Thank you."

Afzal brushes my hair out of my face. We make eye contact, I smile and look away.

He speaks, and doesn't forget to ask me questions. "I wanted to take you out so that we could get to know each other better. I've grown quite fond of you. I'm sorry, I want to ask for forgiveness."


Forgiveness. I'm stunned. "Forgiveness? What for?"

He looks straight ahead, too ashamed to meet my eyes. "For hanging out with a Bastard like Jax. I apologize for cursing, it's just that I regret it. I was a total prick. Not only because of that, but also for touching you that way. I shouldn't have done that, and it was wrong of me to speak to you solely on the fact that you knew my Father."

I don't know how to react. I'm not used to apologies. I stammer. "I.. It's.. It's really A-alright. Sorry, I'm not used to apologies. Um, I think I do get you, besides it was your Father I was talking about, of course you got curious."

He chuckles. "I still shouldn't have treated you that way."

I slap his forearm playfully. "It's okay, really. Thank you for your apology, and I'm glad you're finally genuinely interested in me."

I wink at him. "I'm certain we'll make a good duo."

He smirks. "Likewise."


The shop was really adorable! It had a lot of pastel colors mixed with light colors. The menu was eye pleasing too!

Afzal explained to me earlier that since he's a made Vampire, he HAS to drink blood, but he can still eat 'human' food. It's just not as fulfilling as blood. While, born Vampires drink blood and can eat human food, which tastes normal just slightly bitter, and blood is more fulfilling.

So, he ordered coffee, and I got myself Strawberry waffles with Caffé mocha. I drank slowly before asking Afzal a few questions that were on my mind.

"How old are you? I'm sorry if that caught you off guard."

He shakes his head, and delightfully answers. "I'm eighty years old. I stopped aging as soon as I was twenty five."

Eighty? My eyes widened.


If I'm correct..

"You were made in the year 1943?"

I said 'made, because he was not born.

He nods. "Yes, quite a long time ago. The war between Vampires and witches stopped twenty years later, the year I was born."

It's as if he stopped it by being born. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

I wonder how old his parents are. But I won't ask now. I just realized he was born during the time of World war two.


I'm really curious. "May I ask how old Noah and Jonathan are?"

Afzal stirs his coffee with a spoon, I assume it leaves a bland taste on the tip of his tongue. "Jonathan is a 77 year old born Vampire, and Noah is a 75 year old.. Werewolf. I met Jonathan during my visit in Rome, and Noah here. That was a long time ago, forty or fifty years ago, I'm not sure."

I assume that eventually they decided to stay here, where most Supernaturals stayed.

"Were you made here?"

He shakes his head, "No, I was made in Afghanistan. My mother had told me that we needed to be here due to work. My father always left, and I assume he left to come here. To do.. Work."

He sighs. "..As I got older, I traveled a lot. That was how I met my friends, maybe that is why I feel like I don't know my Father very well."

His shoulders slump, but he quickly straightens himself and smiles. "Enough about me. Let's speak about you."

I feel uncomfortable, "What would you like to know?"

He shrugs. "Anything, everything."

He pays attention to me, his eyes never leaving me even if I look down as I speak. "I'm 21, and I have no hobbies."

I say with the straightest face ever. He simply lightens up even more. "Oh Nonsense, speak about your family, what you love, when you were born, and what you usually do."

I think hard. He was really honest so I guess I should be too. "Um.. I was born on the 5th of May, 2002. My mother died when I was four, her death was really strange and sudden. It felt... Forced to me."

He listens attentively, eyes never breaking our eye contact. His eyebrows twitch slightly when I mentioned the last part, but he lets me continue.

"Due to that, My father and I haven't been so close, I had to teach myself how to cook, clean, and read, all at the age of six. I taught myself Tagalog, as well as my father's and mother's culture. My father has another language he speaks which he claims his own Mother taught him, but he never taught me."

I look away because his stare is really Intense. "I speak Seven languages, Spanish, english, Tagalog, Arabic, french, German, and I'm currently learning Gaelic, which is—"

He looks really impressed. "I know. That's a lot of languages, are you planning to learn more?"

I nod. "Yes, it's so much fun knowing that I have the intelligence and patience for it."

He stares at me with an unexplainable gaze, as I continue speaking since he urged me to. "Uh.. What else.. I enjoy reading, and.. Oh! My grandmother, before she died, she gave me the name Alistair, her name
was Aigneis..—"

She truly is my Grandmother. The woman in my visions. So.. Ramin, Afzal's father, he caused my own Grandmother.. Pain? I'm so confused, I don't get it.

Afzal doesn't seem to notice that I've gone quiet. He simply crosses his arms. "Really interesting.. I noticed though, your accent is really strong."

I smile awkwardly. "I figured."

His face darkens. "..I Know there's more to what you want to say, so say it now. Please."

Truly Misfortunate BXBWhere stories live. Discover now