|chaper 7|

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[No one pov]
Ccino lay there like a stiff board as the drunken nightmare stood on the side of the bed staring at the small skeleton before taking one step forward to only fall onto his side
Ccino sat up and looked down at the blacken out nightmare
"... my lord?"
Ccino whispered to only be respond with a grumble from nightmare as he layed on his face ccino slowly hoped down and bent down to nightmare
".... you shouldn't be drinking with the lords.."
Ccino mubble as he stroked nightmare headb
Ccino mubbles he didn't like when the concil or when nightmare drank it wasn't healthy and additive

Ccini slowly pulled his lord up onto their feet
"My lord -"
Ciino was interrupted by night slowly leaning on Ccino place all of their weight oh Ccino
"Hmp!... why are you so heavy.." he shutters as he trimble a bit before slowly turning him to the bed and setting him down gently
"... my lord, are you awake? "
Ccino was him as they slowly held nightmare charcoal black hands
Nightmare question with a groggy tone as ccino too of there cloak and dress shirt which was stain with a red substance
" .. yes, my lord?"
Ccino stuttered as he slowed, let night hands go as he went to get him a clean shirt even if night preferred not to were shirts when they slept
Nightmare stared at ccino before softly smiling him as they gently but force able put a new shirt over nightmare ribs
Night chirps as ccino began to button up their shirt
"... hi my lord."
Ccini responded quitely
"Oo, don't be so formal, ccino, you can call my name, heh?"
Night grin as he leaned back slightly as ccini gave an unsure look at him
"My lor-"
Night interrupted ccino by placing his own hand over the pale skeleton mouth
"What did I just say?"
He grumble as their brow furrowed with their teal eye light shining brightly
Ccini nervous stared at the dark bone skeleton
"So don't go against it."
Nightmare hissed as they slowly let go of ccino cute... cute? Erm his face, and ccino nodded his head slightly at nights statement, but it was just a quiet stare at one another
Night slowly cocked his head with the interest and slowly gave a widened toothy grin a ccino

Any sain person would have back away or something, but ccino stood in place like he knew what would happen if he moved or tried to at least

This would have been the first time he grinned at someone he never did it offen it normally signaled something, but the nightmare now was


Familiar like before

"... you still have a lovely smile nightmare,"
Ccino leaned forward a bit, but night seemed to be lost at this response

The two stared at each other
Nightmare had a skull to turn a teal color of blush, but ccino did seem to noice, and it chased a chain reaction. ccino turned a soft cream color, and it made them look almost glowing
Two, they were incaint by each other, but ccino was the one who broke the silence
"Nightmare, would you care for me to retrieve your sleep wear? It is almost sunrise."
Ccino spoke softly it soothe nightmare headache
Night slowly nodded his head before ccino walked off to retrieve the robe. Nightmare normally slept in

(Nightmare pov)

I slowly watched them walk off into the darkness of my room but still omitting that soft light.
He was so kind but helpless but also smart but not cowardly.
so cute and squishy like a marshmallow, whatever that is.
I this feeling and this thought in my skull, but it is hard to control it when under the influence of alcohol
I try to bury those thoughts by thing of what clothes he would pick out, but it slowly corrupted into Lude topics.

'I hate myself'

I hissed at myself as I slowly lay on my bed sideways, trying to force those ideas away
I grumbled, but it seemed to attract the attention of ccino
"Are you okay nightmare?"
He asked, slowly walking over with a plum color robe. He helped me sit back up
"Yes, ccino."
I spoke in a soft tone as ccino slowly un buttons my shirt, but the lude thought broke down that cement bricks wall I had made a moment ago
I lowered my had slightly biting my lower lip (idk magic)
Ccino slowly took off my shirt, but I forgot my arms were still in my sleeves, so when i flop back on back, ccino followed me and ended up faceplate into my rin cage
I heard him squeak, but I... I don't know why, but instead of pushing him off or helping him off ... uhg, two of my tentacles slowly formed and held ccino closing.
I was glad he didn't scream or yell. My skull couldn't take loudness at the moment
I slowly sat up, and my tentacles fixed ccino, where he sat in my lap facing me
Oh, how scared they seemed sitting there.
It gave me energy, but at the same time
His voice shudder and wad like glass
I hummed I response
This made ccino stop talking. Maybe they didn't know how or was to scard, maybe?
"You have one minute~"
I chirp ccino eyes soften
Back then, we had a deal back then when we were young
I minute touching
It was because I didn't like to be touched and ccino well was an affectionate ball of joy, so I gave him one minute every day to give affection it was mostly hugs
But I don't know why I brought it up
Ccino stared up at me before looking at my rib cage. I felt them touch my ribs it was similar to how someone would rub a cat or dog belly but slower
I would be a liar if I said I hated this

But right before, ccino minutes were up. He reached his hand out and cupped by cheekbones and stared at me he was trying to build up courage, but I just smirked

"Times up, ccino."

I spoke with a wide grin, and I saw a slither of disappointment on ccino milk bone face as he slowly let's go of my face, and I just stared at him
"...my robe?"
I ask, and he raised his head quickly before getting off and picking it up off the stool he had laid it on

I slowly stood up and took off my trousers before taking it and warping it around my waist. ccino eyes were glued to the floor, but I saw him illuminate slightly as I did so
"Anything wrong?"

I asked, and he looked up at him and shook his head no
I slowly looked to the side at the rising sun and moved out of the way of the light peaking in, and ccino rushed over to the wendow to fix the curtains over to stop it before rushing back the wendow before going back over to me like a obedient dog.

I gently cuped ccino cheekbone with on hand. I don't know how it works. It looks like you can squish their faces like a pillow, but it's bone, so it won't work like that

I slowly let it get before I sat down under my sheets in on my bed. I stared at my bed before seeing ccino was still there waiting for permission to leave
".... come here, ccino. "
I said, and ccino quickly walked over to the side of my bed. I used one of my tentacles, and it wrapped around his waist and pulled him into bed, and laid him down, and i lay down facing him
. He tried to break free but tried to break free with three grown men held to down with both of their arms
I fixed the covers over him before snuggling up to him. ccino was facing towards me. I was resting one of my hands on his waist while I also rested my chin on his skull, the perks of being tall, I guess.
I saw him try to swerm his way out of this, but grab his back and pulled him close with made him stop moving so finally I could get some shut eye.

(Athors nots)
(I'm mad at myself. All of you knew where this could have gone, but I couldn't force myself onto it, but this is close enough, eh?)

(Word count = 1287)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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