|chaper 2|

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(No one pov)

Ccino would walk out of the nightmare room, still olding the cat he had named all of them, but he was first their name was sans
"You can't be doing that, bud.."
Ccino would mubble with his silky-smooth voice as he would walk, but after a minute or too, he would put sans on the ground.
"Now stay put off his room, bud."
Ccino whatched sans run off to who knows where but ccino would have more important thing sadly to do inside of play with the cat
Ccino trailed downstairs onto the main floor, where it seemed most of the maid and butler were rushing around setting up for the meeting, which would be held here...
Ccino walked into the lord wash room it was a good size roo with two tubs built into the ground room with tile floors it had a large window covered. By black curtains, he would slowly remove them to let in the moonlight so it would be easy to work

'Lovely moon tonight'

Ccino would think as he filled up the two tubs. With steamy water, it would fill the air around with fog and conditions

( -Athors quick note -
(One tub was for a when nightmare who was goopy man to get in the first so When they're complete getting all that goop off , then they can get into the
second tub, which is for relaxing and is quite the bigger than the first)

(Ccino pov)

I slowly opened a wendow so the steam would die down abit before I sat down on the floor by the larger pool tub and threw a few handfuls of salt into the water giving it that nice smell so it mask any others

I hug my knees as the water calmed down and formed back to the still water but i was just in my own pool of thought and memories, i couldn't break my eyes at my reflection in the water

'It been a while'

My thoughts chirp as I could imagine why no vampire would have a mirror they can't see themselves
But when you work here for so very long, people can forget themself and what they look like...

I've worked here for who knows how long....
most maids and butlers can't survive past a week. I thanked it for help that was a quick learner and a quiet kid... but I believe it was pity that made my life to this point

"Don't worry, honey, it will be a quick drive there and back!" That cocky rich man claims as he and his wife slowly got into the Carriage while a Two monster sat in the driver's seat."Hurry it up, we can't be late!" The man barks as the two
One of them was his old cat, he had dark fur all around his face with two white Paws, then me I was quite young or a coach writer but I was mainly apprentice

"...how long will it take?"
My quiet voice spoke out against the silence as the carriage took off into the enchanting woodland
"Few hours most likely chap,"
His husky voice replied as he held o to the reins

The road it wasn't as bumpy as it would be now. Everything back then was so much ... better

'Sometimes I wish I could stay back then, but things had to take a turn for the worst without warning'

"ccino.... Ccino!"
Everything was dark until I opened my eyes, realizing I was laying in the mud
"Ca.. captain?"
I would call out as I rubbed my head as I slowly stood up out of the muck. Everyone was so dark without that lantern
But.. when I turned around, I saw the light of that fire burning covering that carriage that had been tiped over on its side... I heard nothing but things breaking inside of the carriage
I screeched probably the first time I've ever done yell, but there was not a sound to be heard
I stood up slowly and wiped my eye sockets as the leaked salty tears ran down my face

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