Pyrrha's Nightmare

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Shadows.... that was all that clouded Pyrrha's vision.  She felt the suffocating grasp of the demigod that oversees Jaune.

???: "Hahahahaha!" A maniacal cackling echoed in front of her. Her heart started to accelerate as the laughs becoming louder, more frequent,  and more numbered. "Soooo little one!" She turned to see piercing blue eyes, glaring into her very soul.  "You like to tattle on those your supposed to be loyal to eh?" The eyes slowly drew closer to her. She felt the sickly blue energy flourish towards her. Her breath was caught in her throat. The pressure and anxiety she felt was similar to an ice pick driving into her soul. "Let's see how you like it!" With that a large skeletal hand grasps Pyrrha, crushing her body. The feeling of her ribs cracking under pressure was nauseating.  Her organs shifted from the force alone.


She felt the cold earth underneath her. Pushing herself up, she looked down to see gravel and dirt, it was packed tightly down.

???: "TROLLS AND GHOULS!" Pyrrha fell onto her bottom, slowly crawling away to what she feels is a wall.  She looks up to see multiple eyes looking at her, glowing with a plethora of colors.

Pyrrha: "AHHHHHH!" The spartan felt fear like no other. 'FLASH' A large burst of light filled now known arena. The stands filled with odd and horrifying  creatures. Though humanoid, many had long pointed ears and faces, some had outlandish hair, and tusks protruding from their jaws. The others were hunchback creatures, flesh that looked rotting.

???: "SO LETS SEE WHOS BEHIND DOOR NUMBER 1!" The voice yelled out, a door presents itself as it materializes the audience goes crazy.


The chants being enough to grasp her mental state.


As Pyrrha adjusted herself, she looked up to see a large hulking creature exit. Attached to it were rings, carrying the bodies and heads of all its victims. It's arm was wielding a hellish cleaver. The blade rusted and jagged, dried blood and excrement painted blade.


Butcher: "FRESH MEAT!" As he yells this an sickly meathook appeared in its left hand, the chain popping out of its back, the blood and flesh flying out with the force associated. "Well 'en" He looks at Pyrrha with a hungry stare, making her feel uncomfortable. "TIME TO BRING MAKE A MEAT PIE!"


The audience cheered for the demise of the spartan.
???: "I'll do it." The audience ceased, and all turned to the podium located atop the arena. "How about something more sufferable? Easily we could flay and slay her." The now feminine figure waltzed to the arena, they wore a heavy cloak and adorned a hood. Their feet bare, were a pale tone, black tattoos adorned her right calf and her nails black. "So how about we have her fight something, or someone that means a lot to her." With that a purple energy flowed through her hands. Three circles of unholy magic sprang forth, from each a hand shot out. Pyrrha tensed at this. Something about the gloved hand had familiarity.

Pyrrha: "What is this...."

???: "Allow me to introduce myself child. " She threw her hood back. Revealing the black and purple make up line face. Her eyes had a silver hue and shined brightly under the light. Her hair tied back in a messy tail, and one side shaved off.  "I am Lynn, the marionette.  And allow me to show you, a personal hell!" The puppets revealed themselves as team JNPR. An almost life like Jaune appeared, wearing his outfit from the beginning of the year, wielding a shotty sword and shield. The Ren puppet was eerily close to resemblance,  wielding two hellish looking sickles. And the Nora version was adorning a terrifying smile, that held back the anger and sorrow as the real one did. Wielding a large rusted hammer with a spike adorning the top. 

Before she could react, a shield and javelin landed in front of Pyrrha. The mechashift was gone, leaving her with classic weaponry.


With that the puppets charged forward, swinging their weapons with the intent of murder, not injure. As she held her ground surprisingly her ear was hit by a voice.

???: "Why Pyr?" She froze to see Jaune's pepper crying, the tears staining the clay, slowly they went from normal to blood. "Why did you abandon me!" In her moment of shock,she froze. Then visions of Jaune dead popped into her mind. She clutched her head and screamed. The arena cheered at the torture of the spartan.

Pyrrha: "YOU ARENT MY JAUNE!" She slammed her shield forward knocking the puppet back. Suddenly she felt back impaled. Blood started to trickle out of her mouth. "Impossible..... I had my aura....." she then felt the clawing feeling of the two sickles piercing her shoulders. She felt herself be dragged down to her knees. She felt pain that burned into her soul, like an ice fire.

Jaune?: "Traitor..." The voice said in an almost whisper. Suddenly Nora and Ren's voice filled her mind as well.

JNR?: "TRAITOR, TRAITOR, TRAITOR " Though they were but Whispers, they flooded her mind.

Pyrrha: "Please... no..." she cried the pain coming in waves. "I didn't want this...." she clutched her head, eyes shut in hopes to drown out everything.

???: "Farewell Pyrrha." She looked up, she was back on remnant,  whimpering from the phantom pains she had, though her body had no scars. A barrel looking down on her 'BAM' her aura shattered as she fell to the ground.  The only thing she was able to whisper out being "Jaune...." As everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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