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I had been sitting in this cold, dark room for almost a day now. With every passing hour, the hope of getting out of her alive was getting feeble. I had somehow managed to get through the scary darkness of last night but the day wasn't any better; the same soul sucking silence ready to devour me whole.

My stomach was churning with hunger but I didn't want to eat. The reason was the sorry excuse of a toilet they had provided me. The curtain between the toilet and the room wasn't thick enough to block the disgusting smell. I regretted calling the Miller mansion a prison; it was more like a castle and I was being treated there like a princess. This however, was a prison; a stone cold one.

That reminds me, I didn't know if Sean had understood what I was trying to convey to him. I stood up to look out of the window after quiet some effort and my gaze landed on that church again. Dejection filled me as I realized it was such a long shot. There was only a minor chance that they would have figured out my location.

I slumped down shivering while trying to free my hands from the rope but I failed. A scream of helplessness left my mouth and I leaned back against the wall with tear in my eyes.

I don't know how much time passed when the door finally opened and someone walked in. But anger filled me when I realized it was Marco, the man who brought me here. He placed a tray full of rice in front of me and I immediately looked away.

"Eat." He ordered.

"No." I replied.

He sat down beside me and cupped my cheek, forcing a spoonful down my mouth. I immediately felt nauseous but vomiting it out would mean staying here locked and covered in my own vomit. At last, I swallowed it down forcibly and that made Marco smirk.

"That's like a good girl." He said, brushing his knuckles against my cheeks and I pulled my face away. "You are beautiful. I get why Miller is crazy about you." He rested his hand on my thigh.

"Fuck you." I said out loud.

"Yes, that's right. He probably brought you to his home to fuck you behind the fascade of protecting you." He smiled.

"Get out now. I'll eat myself." I said to avoid him but he gripped my face once again and shoved another spoonful in my mouth, making me gag.

"Whatever the reason was, you can't imagine my happiness when I saw you there. We knew Elijah Woods would try to involve the Millers but we didn't expect him to send you there, to the very family who killed your mother." He kept on rambling while my thoughts started to jumble up.

"Shut up." I glared at him. "Shut up!!!"

"I have nothing personal against you, babe. You are just paying for your father's actions. That's how it works." He clicked his tongue. "You could still go. Just ask Miller to give us everything."

"Never." I frowned.

"Fine." His face hardened all of sudden and he pushed me away. I winced as the back of my head collided against the wall. "Rot here."

How could nobody saw what a psychopath this man was?

Once he left, I shrunk in the corner and rested my face on my thighs, letting tears stream out of my eyes.

I needed to make out of here alive and I needed to do it myself. I couldn't spend my whole life like a damsel in distress waiting for a man to protect me. That's exactly the attitude that landed me in this trouble in the beginning.

You have to do something, Penny.


The sun was about to set again and a purple tinge had started to fill the clear sky. It was time for dinner and I was hoping Marco would be the one bringing me dinner. Also, I wished he would still be wearing these same clothes he was wearing earlier.

The Mysterious Mr. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now