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"Faster." I said to Thomas although I knew it wasn't humanly possible for him to drive any faster than this.

"Yes sir." He replied.

While he drove, I called Lucas' number who picked up on the first bell. "Finally got time to call your brother?" He asked in an amusing tone.

"Lucas, I'm on Walton Road right now and I was following a black SUV but we have lost it. The last three numbers are 659. I need you to find its location." I stated everything without wasting a single breath.

"But what are you---"

"Now." I said loudly.

"Okay fine. I'm on it." He replied and then cut the call.

I slumped on the seat and took some deep breaths. It was really frustrating that someone took her from my car under my protection and I couldn't do anything. We were so busy in stupidly fighting those men that we left her alone in the car. And when we realized she had been kidnapped, it was too late. The car that took her was already too far away from us and despite driving so fast, we couldn't catch them.

"Which way should I go?" Thomas asked. I looked ahead and realized the road here split into two more roads.

"Let's just wait for Lucas' response." I said and he parked the car on one side.

With every passing second, my anxiety grew and I felt sick in my stomach. This was probably the first time I was scared, scared that I would lose her. Or worse, that whoever captured her might harm her. Even the thought was enough to cause shivers down my spine.

I don't know what magic that 5'4" redhead had that had me wrapped around her little finger. Ever since I saw her that day in my office, I wanted to keep her close. I could have assigned her safety to any of my loyal workers but I wanted to protect her myself. And I failed to do that today.

According to Lucas, the reason of my softness towards her was that I might be falling for her. According to me, it was next to impossible. After all, I never believed in love and always considered it an immaturity. That's why I got involved with Hailey. It was simply a business deal. I got her father's contacts, she got to flaunt me around. No feelings, no complications, none until that girl came to my life.

But I know it's better to nip the evil in the bud. Not only would it be extremely foolish to fall in love, but also it's a fact that she would never reciprocate my feelings. She always saw me as devil reincarnated and even my presence disgusted her. And even if she somehow a miracle happens and she starts feeling something for me, the minute she knows the truth of our families, everything will be ruined. In short, nothing good could come out of my feelings for her in any scenario so there was no point dwelling on them.

I was lost in those thoughts when my phone rang. "What did you find?" I asked Lucas after picking up the phone.

"The car was last seen half an hour ago on Ewanfields road. The road security cameras showed that there were two men inside the car. One was tall and dark and the other was probably Asian." Lucas informed me.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes. But Sean, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Those people kidnapped Penelope and now, I'm going to kill those bastards." I said and cut the call. I then turned to Thomas who was waiting for directions. "Ewanfields road."


We had been driving at that road for quite some time now but we were unable to find any clue. No matter how fast we drove, there was still no sign of a black car or those men.

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