Chapter 3

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The sun illuminated the outer facing surface of the curtains and leaked freely onto the floor, refracting to fill the totality of the room Kodiak had fallen asleep in. With a jolt, the boy was awake. Nothing in particular awoke him, but by the light in the room, he could tell it was well into the day. To his surprise, the door was unlocked when he tried to open it. Before he left the room, Kodiak peeked out the window.

The room looked out onto what appeared to be the front yard. The gravel driveway curved to the left and a white fence lined it's edge and met with a large pasture full of cattle of all colors. The fence made a sharp 90 degrees and fenced in the cattle out of the manicured lawn. Flowers lined the base of the window with pinks, greens, yellows, and whites.

Kodiak exited the room into a white-walled hallway. He paced himself as he walked, trying to be as quiet as possible, though his boots clacked on the hardwood. The end of the hall emptied into a large living room and kitchen. The ceilings appeared 20 foot or higher and the wall facing the backyard was all glass. The kitchen faced the front of the house and the same flowers could be seen at its base as well. There was no one in the house, it seemed.

The clock on the oven read 10:23. "I slept in." He paused, noting the emptiness in his stomach. "What more could they do to me? Kill me?" He let out a breathy laugh before he checked cabinets and drawers for something to eat. He landed in a cabinet full of cereals and milk from the refrigerator. Bowls were a little harder to find. He finally found a cabinet with plastic cups, bowls, and plates and obliged himself.

He and his bowl found a place at the kitchen bar before he dug in. He didn't notice the back door open, or the one who walked in silently and propped herself on the arm of the white leather sofa. He only noticed the girl when he lowers the brim of the bowl, now filled with only milk. Kodiak froze.

"You have a milk mustache." She chirped.

Her long brown hair cascading down her shoulders. She looked a Kodiak with a cat-like gaze, analyzing his every move. She appeared about his age and wore a black shirt and jeans. She had an arm draped over the back of the couch and looked intense, but approachable.

Kodiak wiped his mouth with his sleeve, which resulted in a frown from the girl. He did not know how to respond. She simply raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes.

"My name is Wynter, but you can call me Wynn."

She gently lowered herself off the arm of the couch and onto the hardwood. She slinked over to him and extended her right hand to shake his. He slowly reached out and shook hers.

"I... I'm Kodiak."

"It's nice to meet you, Kodiak."

She retracted and turned to look out the windows facing the backyard and the pastureland beyond.

I bet your wondering why your here, aren't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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