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Vincent pov.

Kiriring kiriring!!!!I heard my alarm ring I reach out to turn it off but fell off my bed

Ouch! Damn it ugh!: I cursed while turning the alarm off, I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth I look on my cellphone to see what time is it and got shocked that it's already 6:23

Shit I'm late:I said while hurrying on getting ready I immediately go down after I'm done and go to school without eating breakfast

While running I saw the violet sphere in the sky and i remember when it came on earth the people is terrified when they saw it  the older people said it's a punishment from God the teenager said it's the end of the world but after some time the scientist said  it's harmless after some experiment so the people just got used to seeing it anyway back to topic I'm near my school when I spotted my friend gab I smiled and run faster to him and when I get to him i smacked him on the head

Ahhh! What the hell!?: He said in pain while turning to me then glared at me after he see me  What was that for!!: He yelled angrily while I just laughed

Race you to the school whoever lose will treat the winner for launch!:I yelled while running faster I hear him yell but didn't pay attention and just keep running and after some I got to the school before him, I just waited for him and when he get there looking pissed while I just laughed teasingly

No fair you got a head start!:he said while I just shrugged and said well you still got to buy me launch and he grumbled, after that we head off to our classroom and after we got there you could see the name of classroom St. Elizabeth we looked if our teacher is already there we sigh relieved that the teacher isn't there or so we thought when we got in we heard a cough behind us we turn slowly to see our teacher ma'am hazel glaring at us

Hi ma'am funny seeing you here haha: I said while awkwardly laughing while she still glared at us and ask: and why are you late!?

Well I kinda overslept hehe:I said scratchings my neck

Me too: gab said

And your still proud , detention!!:she yelled


I grumbled while walking I'm mean we are only late for like about 6 or 8 minutes I just forget it and walk toward the canteen and boy I was glad I'm starving I mean who wouldn't if you just skipped breakfast

After I get there and get some food I found my friends in a table huddled up together whispering about something

What are you guys whispering about:I asked while taking a bite on my food

Well lavinna here have a crush on rian:gilliane said in a matter of fact tone and I spit my food in like in anime

What!?how?when?:I asked continuesly a little jealous cause I have a little crush on her

Well just for a little while I mean we gang out most of the time so I guess I built a feeling for him:lavinna said

Oh:I said sulking but no one notice that but gab

Anyway guys have you heard on what happened on one of the member of astro:zhaina said

No what happened?: Gil said

One of them commited suicide but no one really know what happened : zhai said 

Ah right thats viral many fan is crying:lavinna said they continued talking but I didn't listen any longer and ate faster after I'm done eating I got up

I'm done I'm going first:I said

Ah okay see you later: gil said

Wait I'll come with you:gab said standing up

Okay:I said after he's done we walked off and when we're away from the others he asked, are you ok? I answered ofc I am why wouldn't I be ok

I saw you looking sad when lavinna said said he have a crushed on rian:gab said I sigh there really is nothing get past from his sight

Yeah I'm ok I'm gonna get over it soon:I said

Ok if you say so:he said

Hey my mom said that you guys come to the restaurant she said you guys are gonna be taster on the new recipe: I said remembering what my mom told me last night

Really!now I'm exited!:he said

Go text the others bout it:I said while walking off, after some more walking we got to our classroom and I just slept in my desk the whole time since I'm still sleepy


It's now time to go home I'm with my friends right now and we immediately go to my home since they're gonna eat, once we got there we take a seat on a near by table and wait for the food, after some time the food is ready and mom bring it to us

Here is the food, just tell me what it taste or if it's good or not ok?:mom said

Yes!!':My friend said

Ma why did you bring so many?I ask

Cause you guys are many and also lavinna eat a lot:mom said and I tried hard hiding my laughing

I don't eat a lot I well:lavinna said

Sure sure that's what I like to hear:mom said while I just keep snickering but she heard it kick my foot while glaring at me and I just look away

So how is it:mom ask

It good ma'am: gilliane said

Yeah:my other friend said but not lavinna mom also notice

Lavinna what's wrong?is it not good?:mom ask concerned

It's salty:lavinna said

Really how bout this one:mom said while pointing on the other food

It's salty:lavinna repeated

What, honey,lavinna said it salty:mom shouted to dad

It's salty:dad ask and mom go to the kitchen to go on what is wrong

Stop eating it's salty:I said while pouring coke on her glass

It still good:lavinna said


I'm sending them off gilliane ,gab,zhaina race each other while me and lavinna just walk

After I walked lavinna on the waiting she'd I'm about to go back when lavinna tugged my shirt I looked back

What:I asked

Answer honestly ok?:she said

About what?:I asked

Ok:she sigh

Is it good this way or this way:lavinna tugged her hair on her ear both side making me choose but I'm mesmerized by her

Choose carefully this way or this way?:she asked again

I snap out of it and remember she has someone he like I cough a little

Get lost:I said sounding bored and walking off

While walking she kick my leg making me trip

Hey!:I yelled while she just hmph and walk off

What wrong with her

Wow that is hard my hands are numb pls don't judge this is my first time writing a story  and give vote

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