M i r i a m | t w e n t y

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Miriam awoke to a knock on her door. She half-expected it to be Ade or, at a push, Wes, but Abi appeared still in her pink pyjama set, holding two steaming mugs with a pack of muffins stuffed beneath her armpit. Miriam jumped up to help her in an instant, and the two eventually settled down beneath the duvet, muffins in their laps.

"Last night was fun," Miriam said once she'd finished half of her soul reviving coffee. It raced through her veins, shaking them until she felt somewhat real, alert to every touch, taste and sound.

"If I didn't know any better," Abi laughed, "I would say you and Ade made a rather cute couple."

"Fuck off," Miriam scoffed.

"I'm serious. I always knew you were talented, but you've performed a miracle. He's never like this with anyone."

"Well, it's not over yet," Miriam said between bites of her chocolate chip muffin.

"So, any ideas?"


"To embarrass him? Ruin him?"

Miriam shrugged and disengaged a single chocolate chip from its fluffy casing, popping it directly onto her tongue where it promptly melted into pool of sugary goodness.

"I still think you should kiss Wes."


"What? He'd love it, and it would send Ade into a tailspin."

Ever since Abi alluded to Wes' imaginary feelings, Miriam strengthened her resolve to keep him out of this. It was one thing to kiss a friend, and a complete other to kiss one with whom you share—

But Miriam didn't share anything with Wes. Nothing but ten years of friendship and the promise of many more. No secret feelings or desires or needs. Nothing but a nice, clean, platonic frisson.

"Thanks for the help," Miriam said, coffee finished, "but I think I have this under control."

"Well, whatever you do, you have to do it by tomorrow night."

"I'm aware."

"Otherwise this would've all been for nothing."

"I know, I've got this." And she did, for if last night told her anything, it was that all she needed to do was look at another man and this would be over. That is provided there was an audience.

"Well, if there's anything—"

Wes bounded into the room without so much as a knock and headed straight towards the bed. He hopped in, thigh pressed against Miriam's, stole the last of her muffin, grinning stupidly between bites.

"Hey." She swatted his arm. "I was eating that."

"And now I've eaten it."

She slapped him again, which served only to fill the room with delighted laughter. "You're the worst," she mumbled.

"Right back at you."

"You both suck," Abi intervened. "Leaving me down there last night was diabolical."

"I was drunk." Miriam held up her hands.

"And I was bored," Wes said.

"And I was both," Abi groaned, "but I got stuck down there for another two hours while you two—"

"Watched the latest episode of Greys Anatomy."

Miriam slapped Wes for the third time and shot him a menacing stare.

"'You've got to be kidding me," Abi said, glaring at both of them. "I was trapped down there, and you got to watch Greys without me?"

"Sorry Abi." Miriam held up a hand. "But the game was getting stupid."

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