Like a stone; v1

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Narrators POV;
-------- July 22nd, 1989.

CHARLOTTE WAS WOKEN UP BY A loud ring from her phone.

Well, not really, she was woken up from trance at looking at her ceiling from packing.

"Hello?" She answered, turning down her record player.

"Charlotte," Jeff said on the other line, "I just got the message you sent, sorry."

"It's 5 a.m. Jeff," she answered Flatly, "what have you been doing?"

"Many things, but many out with Andy. Problem?"

Charlotte yawned, shaking out her head to wake up from her daze she was in, "No, not at all. But what will I do."

"Are you finished with school?" Jeff asked.

"No shit," she replied, "I said in the message."

"Oh? Didn't hear," Jeff shrugged, "what's the major again?"

"Oh my god, jeff!" She grumbled, annoyed, "do you listen? I've been with a teaching major for like.. 6 years."

"I've been in school since I was 18, you know this, keep up."

"Jeez, pissy?"

"You know what? Maybe I shouldn't move to you," she placed the phone between her shoulder and ear, flipping through pages of a book.

"No, you're moving to Seattle, we settled this," Jeff said demadingly.

"And housing? Where would I eat, sleep, drink? My car isn't too comfortable, and I only have a few bucks saved."

"With me, no shit, are you stupid?"

"Are you stupid?" She mocked jeff, "are you? I wouldn't be calling me stupid if you couldn't even drive down to help me clean up my apartment."

"Whats your second major?" Jeff said, ignoring Charlotte.

"Photography, you fucking know this, so can we get back on topic, Jeffery?"

Charlotte looked out the window at the sun starting to rise, the rain making her window all foggy.

"You're moving with me, I got extra space. You won't have a bed frame, maybe a pallet bu-"

"Okay, cool. I'll be on my way, I have a good drive ahead of me."


"Fax me, jeff."

"Okay, bye! Call when you're almost here, have gas money!"

The phone went dead, and Charlotte sighed as she decided to start loading boxes into her car.

She had a Ford Thunderbird car. It was a werid shade of brown, but it worked perfectly and held all her stuff.

She didn't have many things.

Charlotte and Jeff looked like siblings, Charlotte had light brown hair with greenish blueish eyes, about 5'7, and facial features like him.

But they weren't even related.

They knew each other from middle school, and Jeff was like an older brother to Charlotte at times.

Charlotte went to school big time, and she went for teaching and photography, mostly because jeff wants a personal photographer if he becomes rich and famous.

She was scared to leave Montana, she grew up there, but there was nothing to do, and she wanted to be closer to friends.

So, Seattle, she went.

-------- July 23rd, 1988.

Like a stone - Stone GossardWhere stories live. Discover now