At A Crossroads

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Narrator: Karen lays back on her bed alone as she wanted to be deep in thought a couple hours after everyone finally leaves post the fiasco with Fatima walking into her apartment without invitation. And feeling humiliated by Zac and even worse herself due to her love for him for the millionth time.


Zac: This is embarassing

(Voice high pitched filled with emotional pain) Karen: Oh it's embarassing?! Just pick up the paper why won't you pick it up ZAC HUH?! Why won't you pick it up, (voice cracking as she continues) what are you afraid of?! Yeah go ahead and WALK AWAY! Be A COWARD cause that's all YOU EVER BEEN ANYWAY!!

[Flashforward back to the present]

Narrator: Although she does know who the father is without the papers, thanks to the conception date she was given mid last week and the results of Aaron's DNA Test that was just sent to her email recently. She also was led to believe the results of the DNA Test was primted on the papers in the envelope she was given. Which is why she wanted Zac to open them. It wasn't the way she was planning to tell Zac about Aaron's DNA Results at all. But she was so blinded by rage in the moment though that she was willing to say and do almost anything to get Zac to truly hear her. But the hospital mist have made an error so she just notes in her mind to call them tommorow morning and let them know so that they can send a physical copy of the results to her mailbox. In the midst of all her thoughts, Karen finally comes to a realization as she thinks for a few more seconds after her rememberance of another one of Zac's rejections.

(Speaking aloud to herself) Karen: I need to get out of here. I have to get away from everybody and everything. The man who still has this crazy hold onto me sees me as discarded trash now and the good man in my life who I do love but am too obsessed with my trifling ex to give my all to deserves so much better than what I've been giving him. I'm still in my feelings about that Jennifer shit too. Pam's an amazing employee/assistant and does eveeything in her power to be a friend to me. And instead of letting her I end up taking my pain and frustrations out on her a quarter of half of the time but have still allowed Andi to be in my life when she comtinues to choose her coworker she just started liking a few weeks ago over me. But no more, it's just too much, I've ruined everything and Aaron still wants me? He still wants me?! Why?! I'll just leave. I'm a fucked up burden on the good people in my life. My lease is thankfully up next week and so much has been going on I have yet to renew it. Was gonna do so tommorow morning but fuck it. As a matter of fact let me call him now. (Calls Mr. Garcia)

Landlord: Hey Ms. Mott, is everything alright?

Karen: Sadly no um....I wanted to talk to you about my current leasing situation.

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