1. Her Kahani

18 4 0

Akshita Mishra

"The calmest souls are the most interesting, you never know if they are dancing around the world or carrying the weight of the world..." I read. I can relate to this to a certain level but I'm not calm because I want to be; I'm like this because that's how this world wants me to be.

I put the book down and after standing up I headed to my home but I know very well that I never once felt like it was one.

When I reached, i unlocked the door and got in. It was what I expected. Nobody was here. Just me and this unbreakable silence.

My parents are never present at home. My dad is an attorney while my ma is a doctor. She owns her own clinic. I know I should be very proud of her for reaching such a great level in her career, but I really wish that she prioritised her family sometimes. I wish she was there with me on my birthdays and the days I was going through something but she was never present.

I'm currently studying for neet. I am a pcb student and the topper of my class of 36 students but I never felt like I belonged there. To study for something I wasn't even interested in, the slightest.

I loathe biology but I had no other option other than to choose pcb because well...my mother wants me to be a doctor and now I'm stuck in this never ending loop hole. Now every morning, I run in the silent roads of streets to not be late for my coaching. Don't wanna be in trouble now, do we?

I headed to my room, then I began to open my books and place them on the study table. I switched my lamp on and began studying. 'Our body produces lactic acid when there is an insufficient amount of....'

Next morning

I rushed my way to the coaching centre. Well...I can't be punctual for once to save my life so what can we all expect? Reaching the building, I hurried my way to the class and sat down at my usual place.

"My team and I are conducting a surprise test today to check the progress of you all." Muttering an 'All the best' the lecturer headed off.

After the question papers were issued, I began to write my answers.

Appearantly, this was the last day of this course, since the neet examination is day after tomorrow.

The D-Day

My examination centre was near Sarojini Nagar. I smiled to myself thinking I could shop all day after the exam. I hope my day goes well.

Time skip, After 28 days

According to the education board, the results are going to be out today. I'm not that tensed though.

I know that I'll get a seat in a government college because when I calculated my marks according to the 'key sheet', I've achieved pretty decent marks.

My ma is home today, even my dad is here. I chuckled to myself thinking they were never here on my eighteenth birthday which was last week. But they were here for a mere result.

I opened my laptop. Ma and dad are beside me in my study room. I entered the formalities and when I pressed the 'open' button and began to see my result, I was utterly shocked, my rank was lengthier than my fricking phone number.

My parents are yelling something but I'm unable to make out there words. Everything is going blank. God, I tried my best but it wasn't enough. What do I do now? I feel very awful like I should just cut myself to death. No no no...I'm not going there again...But what should I do? My parents are going to kill me!! I can't live this and there's only one option I can think of...

Author Note : Heya my caterpillars!! Sandals or sneakers..what do y'all prefer? Guys you know, after exams I really wanted to read books all day but now I'm just...I don't know! Laying on my bed 24/7 and doing absolutely nothing.
How do you guys enjoy holidays?

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