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Shiro noticed Keith's strange behavior around Allura, Keith seemed to be avoiding her and moving farther away from her as she came closer to him.

Shiro disided to ask Lance, Pidge, and Hunk about this.  "Shiro, how come you called us here?" Pidge asks, she looks around and noticed Allura and Keith where gone. "wheres Keith and Allura?"

"Well that's the thing," Shiro says letting out a sigh, Lance Hunk and Pidge all look confused. "Let's start off with this has anyone noticed their behavior lately towards each other?"

Pidge thinks for a moment. "Well, they haven't talked in a while." She says struggling with her shoulders. 

"Oh yeah that's right, I remember now, Allura always looks like she's death glaring him at dinner. " Hunk says pointing at Pidge and adding to her answer.

"Lance?" Shiro says impatiently waiting for him to answer. 

"Hmmm.." lance says still thinking.

Shiro looks at him impatiently tapping his foot before Giving up "Whatever your no help anyways." He says

Lance snaps out of his thoughts and defends himself, "Hey, I was just trying to recall any instances, okay? It's not like I was slacking off." He yells crossing his arms, looking annoyed at Shiro.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be harsh," Shiro replies with a sigh. "I'm just concerned about Keith and Allura. Something- something just seems off between them."

"Yeah, you're right, Shiro," Hunk chimes in. "I've noticed Keith avoiding Allura whenever she's around. It's like he's keeping his distance from her."

"And about Allura's death glares," Pidge adds. "She definitely seems upset about something."

"I wonder if there was some kind of argument they had," Lance Suggests. "Maybe that's why they're avoiding each other."

Shiro nods "It's possible. I think we should try to talk to them separately and see if we can get to the bottom of this. Maybe they just need a little nudge to communicate their feelings."

"Right!" Hunk agrees. "We're all friends here."

"Exactly," Pidge adds.

Shiro smiles  "Thanks, guys. I knew I could count on you. Let's make sure we approach this delicately and give them the space they need to open up about whatever is bothering them."

Shiro, Hunk, Pidge, and Lance Disided that the best option would be for Lance, Hunk, and Pidge to talk to Allura and Shiro to talk to Keith. Shiro basically grew up with Keith, he was there for him if no one else was around. And Keith would hopefully feel comfortable talking to him.

*With Keith*

I was sitting on my bed thinking about what Allura said, I didn't know how to react or what to do, does she really know? I just at the sound of knocking on my door. 

I stay silent before hearing a voice, "Hello? Keith, are you there?" It was Shiro.

"Oh uh yaa," I say back before getting up and opening the door. I look up at Shiro "Is everything ok?" I ask

"Ya, I just want to ask you something." He says.  I move aside allowing him to enter my room.

"what is it you need to ask me?" I say nervously and confused, Shiro was silent for a bit before letting out a breath.

"Before a ask you, I want you to promise me something." He says turning around and facing me. I nod.

"is there something going on?" He asks looking worried

"What?" I ask confused

Shiro walks closer to me placing both hands on my shoulders "Between you and Allura, what's going on?"  I didn't know how to respond so I just stayed quiet.

"Keith, I'm just worried about you. Lots of this have been going on, and you have been avoiding her." He says 

"I understand, " I say Looking up at Shiro.  

he lets go of my shoulders before saying "Now please tell me, what going on?" I didn't really know how to respond.

"Um, I mean the whole thing of me being Galra and all, might be bothering her," I say with a nervous laugh rubbing the back of his head.

Shiro glares at him, under if he should believe him or not.  "Are you sure?" he asks

I stand there anxiously still awkwardly smiling. "haha, Ya that must be it!" before Shiro could answer Keith's phone started ringing. Shiro turns towards the phone about to pick it up until I jolt towards the phone grab it and faces my back towrds Shiro.

Shiro looks at me confused "Everything alright?" he asks

Lotor was calling me "The hell he want now?" I think to myself, I hang up the call placing the phone in my back pocket. "You know this was a great chat, but I'm kind of tired so I might go to bed?" I say nervously laughing pushing Shiro out of the room.

"see ya later!" I yell before shutting the door.

Shiro stands there confused before walking off down the hall. I can hear his footsteps get quieter.  "Phew that was a close one.." I say sliding down my door.

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